Double points if you name them in birth order.
4, Zina, Zhanna, Vicka, Toma
A slow driver
My mom liked to garden, and she made us help by pulling this from her garden every week.
True or False: I've never been to New York City.
Mante or steak
What school sport did I play as a kid?
what is my least favorite major sport?
One of my first jobs was to feed this animal every day before school.
baby cows
How many bones did I break in my lifetime?
What instrument did I play in middle school and high school?
I would never get this topping on my ice cream.
carmel or anything peanut butter
True or False, when we lived in a rental farm, the owners built us a barn maze out of hay bails?
True or false: I would rather go to the beach than to the mountains.
What is the name of the company I work for?
True or False: My first car was a Ford Truck and my dad helped me rebuild it because we bought it wrecked.
False, Mazda 626
What is my least favorite question from my kids?
Why do I have to do it?
How many chickens did we have in our chicken house?a. 2,000
b. 5,000
c. 10,000
d. 25,000
d. 25,000
How many states are going to visit in our trip next month?
Double points: name all states
4 - Califorina, Arizona, Utah, Nevada
10 miles
What year did we come to America?
Of these 4 things, I would want to do this one the least:
Swim in mud, eat a grasshopper, skydive, or wake up very early
eat a grasshopper
How many different animals lived in our farm when I was a kid?
Double points: Name all of the animals.
5: Chickens, sheep, pigs, cows, geese
How many countries have I been to?
Double points: Name them all.
8: USA, Italy, France, Switzerland, Russia, Honduras, Austria, Dominican Republic
How many board games are in my collection? +/- 5