Question 1 - 3
Question 4 - 7

What is density? Use your own words to answer. 

Density is the measurement of how tightly a material is packed together.


Create a model that shows three solid objects inside one container of the same liquid. One has greater density than the liquid, one has lower, and one has the same.

Greater density should sink, lower density should float, and the same density should be near the middle.


Explain how density is affected in certain situations

a. Mass remains constant, but volume is increased

b. Mass remains constant but volume is decreased

a: Density decreases

B: Density increases


How does density relate to the identification of pure substances

You can find the density of an object and compare it with it's known density to see how pure it is.


Compare a high-density object to a low-density object through visuals:

a. Create particle drawings of objects with high density vs low-density

b. Draw and label two lines on a mass vs volume graph displaying high vs low density.

a: High density should be packed together, low density should be spread out

b. High density should have high mass, and vice versa.


Identify and explain one real-life connection you have with density.

It can be anything that makes sense, such as helium in balloons. The helium is less dense than the air, causing it to float.


Explain why the density of water behaves differently than any other substance

When it freezes and compacts, the molecules get closer together. The molecules are arranged in specific patterns. This is also the reason why ice floats in water
