This tooth has 3 roots
What is maxillary molars
Loss of enamel structure through chemical means (via acid) from cariogenic bacteria by way of dental biofilm
What is caries
Trauma to the periodontium from occlusal disharmony
What is occlusal trauma
These are masses of mineralized dentin in pulp tissue
What are pulp stones
This is an organized fibrous connective tissue surrounding the teeth that supports them and attaches them to the alveoli
What is the periodontal ligament
Angle formed by the junction of two crown surfaces
What is a line angle
The union of root structure of two or more teeth through cementum only
What is concrescence
Failure to have overall ideal form to the dentition while in centric occlusion
What is malocclusion
These cells differentiate from pre-ameloblasts to form enamel during amelogenesis
What are ameloblasts
The angle that Sharpey's fibers are inserted into the outer surface of the cementum on one side and the alveolar process on the other side
What is 90 degrees or perpendicular
The number of quadrants in the oral cavity
What is 4
Exposed dentin that is sensitive to various stimuli
What is dentinal hypersensitivity
Condition that occurs when a mandibular tooth or teeth are placed facially to the maxillary tooth or teeth
What is a crossbite
This junction is formed between dentin and enamel by mineralization of disintegrating membrane
What is the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ)
The part of the periodontium that attaches the teeth to the alveolar process by anchoring the PDL
What is the cementum
The facial tooth surface closest to the lips
What is labial
Dentin dysplasia with hereditary basis and blue-grey or brown teeth with opalescent sheen
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Term describing a Class III malocclusion
What is prognathic
This is the crystalline structural unit of enamel
What is an enamel rod
The portion of the periodontium that makes up the lining of the tooth socket or alveolus
What is the alveolar bone proper
The area where the crowns of adjacent teeth in the same arch touch each adjacent proximal surface
What is the contact area (the contact)
Enamel loss through tensile and compressive forces during tooth flexure with parafunctional habits
What is abfraction
In this Class of malocclusion in the permanent dentition, the maxillary anterior teeth protrude facially from the mandibular anterior teeth.
What is Class II, Division I
Growth by addition of layers to outside of tissue mass such as that occurs to firm or hard tissue such as cartilage, bone, and/or cementum
What is appositional growth
The first layers of cementum deposited without embedded cementocytes
What is acellular cementum