What are the four types of teeth?
Incisors, Cuspids, Bicuspids, Molars
What is enamel?
The hard outer covering of the crown.
What is lingual?
Surface of the teeth next to the tongue on anterior and posterior teeth.
Define cusp.
Pronounced elevation.
Define periodontal disease.
Gum disease.
What are anterior teeth and posterior teeth?
Anterior: Cuspid to cuspid
Posterior: Back 5 teeth in each quadrant (adult)
What is pulp?
The nerve of the tooth containing the blood supply.
Occlusal: biting surface on posterior teeth.
Incisal: cutting edge on anterior teeth.
What is the difference between a fissure and a groove?
A groove is more pronounced than a fissure.
What are the 2 types of periodontal disease?
Gingivitis, Periodontitis.
What are the three anatomic parts of the tooth?
Crown, Root, Cervix
Where is the cementum?
Root covering of the tooth.
Define mesial and distal.
Mesial: in-between the teeth, closest to the midline.
Distal: in-between the teeth, furthest from the midline.
What is embrasure?
Normal V shaped space by a tooth.
What are the 5 signs of gum disease?
Red/inflamed gums, Bleeding gums, Receded gums, Halitosis, Gums covering teeth.
What are the three types of molars? And what age do they come in?
First molar, Second molar, Third molar. 6, 12, 12+.
What are the two types of gingiva?
Attached gingiva, Unattached gingiva
Name all of the tooth surfaces.
Define sulcus.
Normal pocket around the tooth.
What are the 4 ways to treat periodontal disease?
Prophy, Scaling, Medications/oral rinses, Perio surgery
How many total teeth are in a baby dentition?
What does CEJ stand for, and what does it mean?
Cementoenamel Junction; where the cementum & enamel meet
What are all of the abbreviations of the tooth surfaces?
What are the 4 types of cusps?
Mesial buccal cusp, Mesial lingual cusp, Distal buccal cusp, Distal lingual cusp
What is dentin hypersensitivity and how is it caused?
Sensitive to eat, drink, touch. Caused by enamel loss and root exposure.