What are the first teeth to erupt in the oral cavity?
Angle's classification system.
What is the classification system used for occlusion?
This tooth appears wider mesiodistally than incisocervically than it's permanent successor, it is the only tooth of either dentition with this crown dimension.
What are primary maxillary central incisors?
This is a small cusp located on the mesial lingual cusp on the maxillary permanent 1st molars.
What is the cusp of Carabelli?
The crown of this tooth erupts and is much smaller in size from partial microdontia.
What is a peg lateral?
Permanent maxillary first molars and permanent mandibular first molars?
What are the first permanent teeth to erupt in the oral cavity?
The mesial buccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with the mesial buccal groove of mandibular first molar.
What is the Class I Occulsion?
These do not appear on the incisal edges of the primary maxillary and mandibular incisors
What are mamelons?
The canines are the only teeth in the permanent dentition with this centrally placed feature on the facial surface.
What is a labial ridge?
Supernumerary tooth between international numbers 8 & 9.
What is a mesiodens?
These teeth replace the primary second molars.
What are permanent 2nd premolars
The horizontal overlap of the maxillary arch in relation to the mandibular arch.
What is overjet?
These teeth do not resemble any other tooth in either dentition.
What are the primary first molars?
This prominent ridge of the maxillary molars that cross the occlusal table from the mesial lingual cusp to the distal buccal cusp.
What is an oblique ridge? pg 309
Crown or root(s) showing angular distortion.
What is dilacerations?
These Maxillary permanent teeth erupt between 11&12 years of age.
What are Maxillary canines?
The anteroposterior curvature produced by the curved alignment of all the teeth when viewing the posterior teeth from the buccal view. Hint: this is helpful when mounting radiographs.
What is the Curve of Spee?
These teeth closely resemble the permanent maxillary and permanent mandibular 1st molars.
What are primary maxillary and primary mandibular 2nd molars?
The Maxillary 1st premolars are known for this difficult area to instrument.
What is the mesial root concavity? pg. 234
Small spherical enamel projections on the tooth surface.
What is an enamel pearl?
These teeth are non-succedaneous teeth.
What are permanent maxillary and permanent mandibular molars.
This is the point of closure of the mandible in its most retruded position to which it can be carried by musculature and ligaments.
What is Centric Relation?
This prominent ridge is present on both labial and lingual surfaces of anterior teeth and buccal surfaces of the molars.
What is the cervical ridge?
Which tooth has the most variety in form than any other tooth? (not including 3rd molars)
What are Permanent Maxillary lateral incisors?
Developmental disturbance caused by invagination of enamel organ into dental papilla. May appear as a "tooth within a tooth."