Which teeth are included in the Ramfjord Teeth?
What is the plaque index (PI)?
Measures the thickness of plaque at the GM
Gingival indices measure pocket depth, bone loss, and/or destruction to the periodontium?
What does CPITN stand for?
Community Periodontal Index of Treatment needs
What is the purpose of Deans Fluorosis Index
Identifies extend of dental fluorosis
What is the purpose of the Ramfjord Teeth?
Ramfjord teeth represent all teeth within the dentition – Simplified/Modified Version
What is the purpose of the plaque free score?
Measures amount of teeth with no plaque
What is the purpose of the gingival index?
Measures color, consistency, and bleeding of the gingiva
What does the CPITN measure?
Pockets, bleeding, dental biofilm retention factors
Based on Deans Dental fluorosis, what does a normal tooth appear as?
White ,shiny, translucent, pale color
What is a simple index?
Identifies presence or absence of disease
What is the porpose of the Patient Hygiene Performance Index?
Identifies extent of plaque and debris on tooth surfaces
What is used when identifying the sulcular bleeding index?
Periodontal Probe
What is the name of the probe that is commonly used in CPITN?
WHO or CPITN-Probe
What is a “ very mild” case of deans fluorosis?
Less then 25% of tooth surfaces covered, white opacities
What is a cumulative index?
Identifies past and present evidence of a condition
What surfaces of the tooth are used in Patient hygiene performance index?
- M,D, cervical, middle, coronal
What is sued to determine the Eastman interdental bleeding Index?
Wooden interdental cleaner
What does Code 2 represent in the CPITN?
Colored band is completely visible WITH supra/sub gingival or defective margins
What is a “mild” case of deans fluorosis?
Less then 50% of tooth surfaces covered, white opacities
What is an irreversible index?
Disease condition that cannot change
What does each code (0-3) represent when considering the plaue index score?
0 no plaque, 1 mild plaque, 2 moderate plaque, 3 heavy plaque
What does each score (0-3) represent in a gingival index?
0 Normal gingiva, 1 Mild inflammation slight color change, 2 Moderate inflammation redness, edema BOP, 3 Severe inflammation marked redness, edema, spontaneous BOP
What does Code 1 represent in the CPITN?
Colored band is completely viable, BOP present
How do we identify a patients fluorosis score?
Examine 2 of most severe teeth in the dentition