After their first tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday.
At what age should my child see the dentist for the first time?
Cookie Dough, Bubble Gum, Cherry
What are three of the 6 paste flavors at CDV?
New Patients and Schedule Openings
What are two of the statistics reviewed at every huddle?
Gummy Bear
What do you call a Grizzly Bear with no teeth?
Bell Appliance
What type of appliance is used for anterior crossbite?
"What you actually get from your dental plan depends on what your employer negotiated with the insurance company. No dental benefit plan is set up to cover all of your's designed to help share in your dental costs."
What do you say to a parent who asks, "why doesn't my insurance pay for this?"
Mr. Thirsty, Happy Air, Tooth Pillow
What are three "Kid friendly" words we use at CDV to describe tools we use in the clinic?
7th and 22nd
What two days of the month do we get paid?
What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?
Age 7
At what age do we recommend the first orthodontic evaluation?
They help the doctors check in between the teeth for decay, to survey erupting teeth, diagnose bone disease, and treat health conditions that cannot be detected during a visual exam.
What do you say to a parent who asks, "are xrays really necessary?"
What are the first three things kids notice when they visit Children's Dental Village?
What is the Rule of Two in dentistry?
Visit the dentist 2 times per year, brush teeth 2 times per day, and brush for 2 minutes each time.
Wisdom Tooth
Most is the common missing tooth?
Age 9-12
What is the average age to start orthodontic treatment?
It strengthens your teeth and makes them less vulnerable to cavities and other infections. It attacks harmful bacteria, slowing down or reversing their reaction.
What is fluoride?
Red, Purple and Blue
What are three colors shown with disclosing? Bonus: what does each color represent?
Diet and Dentition
What are two topics covered in a New Patient Visit at CDV?
38.5 days
How many days does the average American spend brushing their teeth over a lifetime?
6 months minimum
How long does a patient typically wear an RPE?
They promote good nutrition through proper chewing, assist in speech development, and provide a path for permanent teeth to follow when they are ready to erupt.
Why are baby teeth important?
Crowded Teeth, Jaw Issues, Overbite
What are three reasons orthodontics are recommended.
University of Missouri and AT Still University
Dr. Padilla's and Dr. Lepetich's dental alma maters.
What Milestone Anniversary will CDV be celebrating this year?
Class I
What is the optimal bite goal in orthodontics?