How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
How many teeth does the average adult have?
Floss is unnecessary as long as you brush
False - flossing is the only way to remove bacteria from in between your teeth
What aquatic animal grows new teeth when they lose one?
How often should you get a dental cleaning?
What does the dentist do when you have a cavity?
Puts in a filling
What kind of teeth are in the back of your mouth?
You should use a hard-bristled toothbrush when you brush
False - you always want to use a soft or extra soft-bristled toothbrush
Who comes to get your teeth when you lose them if you place them under your pillow?
The Tooth Fairy
What is the sticky film that forms on teeth after you eat food?
What is the white outer layer of the tooth called?
Oral Health can also reflect your overall health
What is the healthiest drink that is good for your teeth because it helps wash away food and bacteria
What are the pointy teeth called that help tear food and are also another name for dogs?
What type of dentist do you see when you need braces?
What are the last molars to erupt in your mouth called?
Leaving toothpaste on your teeth without rinsing it off is okay
What herb did Greeks and Romans chew on to freshen their breath?
Tap water in many states of the US have this substance to protect teeth from cavities
What do people with no teeth wear?
What is the longest tooth in the mouth?
The canine - about 1 inch in length
You should brush your teeth right after you eat
False - you want to wait at least 30 minutes before brushing after eating.
This animal has the largest canines in the world
The narwhal - They have a canine tooth that can grow to the length of 4ft 11in to 10ft 2in