School, University, Work, Social Media
School +200
University +300
Social Media -100
Name three types of X-rays
Panoramic X-rays
Periapical X-rays
Full Mouth X-rays
What do you need to search for benefits on the appropriate benefit Slick?
The DEN Number
Name the dentist that specializes in doing implants and dentures etc
All medical policies come with a FREE Dental T/F
False, some medical policies have no free dental attached
Impersonate a member of the opposite team
If the impersonation is on point team wins +400 If not+200
The Scientific name for a routine cleaning
What is the name of the MENTOR Document used to locate Dentists for Team care Members?
Locate Central States Providers
Basic services are usually covered at what %
The abbreviation MSB means?
Mandatory Supplemental Benefit
In Naruto who is the Sensei of the Team
Kakashi Hatake
Name the exam used to evaluate one area of the mouth
Limited Oral evaluation/Emergency or Problem focus exam
What steps should you take if a member calls and says they are locked out of their online account?
1)Create a Ticket by going to Associate support Center in Hi
2)Capture the ticket number and call Web security
On commercial plans what must be present in order to have implants and Orthodontics covered
A Rider
A member with a Carrington Medicare policy called in to state she in Illinois and needs to see the dentist what will you advise her?
The mbr should be educated on the type of plan which is a Carrington Medicare and it can only be used in the state of Florida
You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?
All the people on the boat are married
Name a type of service that can fall under both basic and major service category
Root Canals / Endodontics
What two service categories will you see for Medicare in Benefit search of CRM
Preventive services
Medicare services
When a member is diagnosed with TMJ this service is covered under Dental
False- TMJ is tempero mandibular join syndrome which is regards to the jaw and does not fall under dental but medical
What will happen if a mbr with an MSB dental purchases an OSB dental ?
The OSB will override the MSB
What is full of holes but still holds water?
A sponge
What is the scientific names for two types of fillings you know
Composite- White
Name the two things you must confirm when a member calls for assistance in locating a dentist.
1)The Zip code of the dentist/ where they want the dentist to be.
2)The specialty of the dentist
What is the typical frequency limitation for Dentures
Once every five calendar years
OSB means?
Optional Supplemental Benefits