Complete removal of the coronal portion of the dental pulp.
What is a pulpotomy?
A congenital condition, occurs when the palatine bones do not unite.
What is known as a Cleft Palate?
Application of a plastic coating to protect the pitted surfaces of teeth from cavities.
What is known as sealants?
A prosthesis placed immediately after patient's remaining teeth are extracted?
What is an immediate denture?
Thumb or finger sucking may result in this developmental problem.
What is known as overjet or protuberance of the anterior teeth on the maxillary arch?
A common irrigating solution for an RCT.
What is Sodium Hypochlorite (or household bleach)?
Periodontal charting- pocket readings, furcations, tooth mobility, exudate (pus), gingival recession and clinical findings of the periodontal health.
What is known as the periodontal examination?
Duties of processing all instruments, manages biohazard waste, weekly monitoring of sterilizers.
What is the sterilization assistant's primary role?
Chronic poor oral hygiene, lack of stable remaining teeth, unsuitable alveolar ridge for support, unhealthy teeth, various periodontal conditions, and rampant caries.
What are contraindications for a partial denture?
These are used to separate interproximal contacts in order to properly seat bands.
What are orthodontic separators?
Following a RCT the tooth becomes brittle and usually requires this type of restoration.
What is a core build-up and crown?
When the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary 1st molar is mesial to the buccal groove of the mandibular 1st molar.
What is Angle's Class II occlusion?
This auxiliary roles & responsibilities many include providing assurance & support to the patient.
Who is the clinical dental assistant?
When the jawbone grows around the implant.
What is known as osseointegration?
Clear plastic trays worn for 22 hours per day for maximum benefit.
What are known as orthodontic aligners?
A factor that influences the reliability of this type of pulp test would be slight moisture on the tooth may produce an inaccurate reading.
What is known as a vitalometer?
Failure of the healing process or loss in blood clot results in this painful condition.
What is known as Alveolitis (or Dry Socket)?
Dental specialty involves the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral tissues.
What is the dental specialty of oral pathology?
Surgery that involves modification of the supporting bone.
What is known as osseous surgery?
Correction of a cross-bite through the use of a removable or fixed appliance.
What is known as interceptive orthodontics?
The standard of care for this procedure is to utilize rubber dam or dental dam.
What is an root canal Therapy (RCT)?
Misalignment or incorrect relation between the teeth of the two dental arches
What is known as malocclusion?
Adolescent patient with emotional or behavioral problems may be referred to this type of dentist.
What is a Pedodontist?
The dental auxiliary must complete a surgical scrub and don sterile gloves prior to handling the sterile field.
What the surgical assistant?
Utilized to hold the archwire in place on the brackets.
What are ligature wire ties and elastomeric ties?