How old is Grandma
77 and young
How many pets has the smith fam had (from langstons memory)
What did The family see at sea world that got langston and michael wet
Orca or dolphin show
Whats grandma's Religion
What movie makes grandma cry everytime she watches it
How old is auntie
Who has the VA Beach couch
Asia and Todd
What was the immersive flying similator ride thay we rode in animal kingdom
The Avatar Ride
What is the name of courtney's American girl doll
What movie turned into musical did Langston, Michael, Courtney, Auntie, and Grandma watched
The Lion King
How old is mom
How many feet qas the drop on the rollercoaster Toddrick, Titi, and Michael rode
What sea animal did michael pick up in VA Beach
A jellyfish
Whats gigis favorite nba team
Boston Celtics
What family show is about a retired football player with his wife and 5 kids and lives with his grandparents in louisiana and learns about his family history
Family reunion
When is uncle d birthday
Jan 19
What did langston do that almost broke his neck
Fall out a window
How many people were in my play Langston and Michael were in
Whats grandmas favorite book
The Bible
Whats moms favorite tv show
What is max's Birthday
April 16
How many performers did we see at step afrika
What did courtney call her "dolphins" in florida
Max and marcos
What is Langston Dream Job
Football player or aerospace engineer
What is courtneys favortite movie