It’s an ethical theory that focuses on the consequences of actions aiming to maximize overall well-being or happiness.
What do Deontological theorists in business ethics focus on rather than outcomes?
Rights and Duties
It’s an ethical theory that focuses on the development of virtuous character traits.
Where does the work DEONTOLOGY derive from, and state what it means?
The word DEONTOLOGY derives from the Greek words for duty (deon) and science (or study) of (logos).
What theory focuses on "The consequences of actions determine their moral value"?
Who is the theorist of Deontological theory?
Immanuel Kant
What theory "Lacks clear guidelines for action?"
What are the two types of principles in Deontology?
1)Treat people as an end, not just a means to an end.
2)Consider what would occur if everyone were to take the action you are considering.
what theory
What is Deontology?
Deontology is an ethical theory that judges the morality of an action based on whether it follows a set of rules or duties, regardless of the consequences, with the primary focus on the intention behind the action rather than the outcome.