
In Harry Potter and the Order Phoenix it says the famous words "Snape killed Dumbledore."

um Actually it is in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that the famous words "Snape killed Dumbledore" are spoken.


There are many elements on the periodic Table each with their own distinct symbol. Some are self-explanatory like Bromine's Br and Hydrogen's H, but some are weirder like Potassium's K or Silver's Au.

Um Actually Silver's symbol is Ag.


On November 5th, 1605 Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up British Parliament. They found where he was hiding but he was never caught.

Um Actually they did catch him and tortured him until he could barely sign his name and then he was hanged.


In Minecraft to get to the End you need eyes of ender. These eyes are used to find the Stronghold and then 10 are used to light the End portal.

Um Actually you use 12 Eyes of Ender to light the End portal.


In Indiana Jones raiders of the Lost Ark when the Ark of the Covenant is opened God rains down lighting on the Nazis disintegrating them.

Um Actually the Nazis are not disintegrated by lighting they are just melted by the power of God.


In Jules Verne's novel 20,000 Leagues under the Sea readers meet Captain Nemo, an undersea explorer who has traveled 20,000 leagues under the sea in his advanced submarine the Dolphin.

Um Actually his submarine is called the Nautilus.


There are many important formulas in mathematics. These include the area of a rectangle, A=BxH, and the area of a circle, pi r squared times 2

um Actually the formula for the area of a circle is just pi r squared.


The event that most people agree started World War I was the assassination of Head of Soviet Government Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov better known as Vladimir Lenin.

Um Actually Lenin was not assassinated. The event that most people agree began World War I was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.


in Titanfall 2 you play as Jack Cooper. A Titan pilot who's mission is to stop the COBRA organization from destroying the militia. 

Um Actually the COBRA organization is from G.I. Joe not Titanfall. Jack Cooper fights the IMC.


In the movie Forrest Gump watchers follow the character of the same name. Forrest is a man from Utah who sits down on a park bench and tells his life story.

Um Actually Forrest is from Alabama.


In The Brothers Grimm by the Grimm Brothers there are many fairy tales that you may know. These include Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin, and Sleeping Beauty. 

Um Actually Sleeping Beauty does not appear in the brothers Grimm.


Although it is a popular myth, honey does spoil. This was discovered when in 1903 when Theodore Roosevelt left some in the Oval Office desk and forgot about it. Later in 1905 when he realized how many flies were in the Oval Office he checked the drawer realizing their was honey. The honey, however, was extremely molded and spoiled.

Um Actually honey really does never spoil. I made that entire story up. Also the Oval Office wasn't even built until 1909.


Julius Caesar was the first emperor of Rome. he was assassinated on the Eids of March by Brutus. If your wondering what day the Eids of March is, the Eids of March is March 17.

Um Actually the Eids of March is March 15.


In Dungeons and Dragons you have 8 dice types that you role with these are: The D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D16, D20, and the D100.

Um Actually there are 7 main dice types. the d16 does not exist.


In The Shining Danny is getting hunted by his deranged father through the Overlook Hotel. Danny is, however, able to outsmart his father, Jack, by having him step into a puddle that had an open wire in it.

Um Actually that is not how Danny outsmarts/kills Jack. Danny is running through the hedge maze and is able to get Jack lost. With no way to go Jack freezes to death.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton follows the Ponyboy Curtis a greaser living with his 3 brothers trying to make it through life while constantly being in fear of being attacked by the Socs.

Um Actually Ponyboy only has 2 brothers" Sodapop and Darry.


In 1947 a South African museum official named Marjorie Eileen Doris Courtenay-Latimer brought to attention the rediscovery of the coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct for 65 million years.

Um Actually the year was 1938.


Although the story about William Howard Taft getting stuck in a bathtub is fake he did get stuck whilst trying to exit a submarine. In 1912 Taft got to see a new high tech submarine the US Navy was working on. They let him get in and see inside. They even took it for a small joyride. After the joyride was done, however, the president attempted to exit the submarine. He then got stuck in the exit and the exit had to be widened for him to get out.

Um Actually this entire story is made up.


In Dungeon and Dragons you may come across a foe known as Xanathar, a large beholder an the leader of Xanathar's Thieves' Guild. Despite how intimidating he is Xanathar has a pet guinea pig named Sylgar.

Um Actually Xanathar has a pet goldfish.


During the filming of the movie Predator the studio hired a bodyguard to protect Sonny Landham - the actor who played Billy - from the rest of the cast because he was so hated. 

Um Actually the bodyguard was hired to protect the rest of the cast from him because of his short temper.


In the book The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas our protagonist Edmond Dantes gets falsely imprisoned in the Chateau d'If and is assigned the prisoner number 43.

Um Actually he is assigned the prisoner number 34.


There are many unsolved problems in physics. These include the Three Body Problem, the Yang-Mills Theory, and the Collatz Conjecture.

Um Actually the Collatz Conjecture is an unsolved problem in Mathematics. 


there have been 5 US presidents assassinated. These are Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Garfield, William McKinley, Warren Gamaliel Harding, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Um Actually only 4 US presidents have been assassinated. Warren G. Harding never was although he did die in office. That was due too a heart attack.


In the game Fallout: New Vegas you play as Courier 6 a person tasked with delivering an object known as the platinum chip to Mr. House in New Vegas. During your journey, however, you get shot and almost killed by a man named Benny who wanted the platinum chip for himself.

Um Actually Benny did not want the platinum chip for himself. He just wanted the smallest amount of people to know about the platinum chip's existence.


In the movie Halloween the main antagonist is Michael Myers, a deranged murderer who escaped from a mental hospital. A strange fact about Michael Myers however is that the actor who played him, Nick Castle, is not credited as playing Michael Myers in the credits. He is credited as playing The Horror.

Um Actually he is not crepitated as playing The Horror he is credited as playing The Shape. Why? I couldn't tell you.
