Modern Society
Things that keep me awake

This is the ethnoreligious group of people who were the most heavily persecuted during to WWII?

What are Jewish people? (The Holocaust led to the death of approximately 6 million Jewish people. There are humans out there who deny this occurred. These people undervalue the loss of each and every life. Mothers. Fathers. Children. People with dreams and aspirations. People. Not a statistic and certainly not a false statistic.)


This animal will confuse its arm for a branch, going to grab it, only to fall to their death.

What are sloths?


500 of these reach the Earth's surface every year.

What are meteorites? (Most of these are too small to cause significant destruction, but in 2013, a meteorite strike in Russia caused a massive shockwave, destroying windows and buildings, as well as injuring around 400 people)


This is the company that popularized the idea of the 'carbon footprint' and tying global warming to the responsibility of the individual?

What is BP?


This is the amount of time a human head may remain conscious following decapitation. 

What is 3-4 seconds?


This is the name of the chemical herbicide and defoliant employed by the US military during the Vietnam War, being used on around 4 million Vietnamese citizens.

What is Agent Orange? - not the font. (Over 3 million suffered illness due to the use of the chemical weapon. Illnesses such as cancer, congenital birth disorders, chloracne and more)


This is the percentage of cheetahs that are inbred.

What is 90%?


This is how long it would take before you pass out in the vacuum of space without a space suit.

What is 10-15 seconds?


This is the percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions caused by just 100 companies.

What is 71%?

You shed approximately 35 kg of this in your whole life.

What is skin?


This is the estimated civilian death toll as a result of WWII (i.e. due to direct military action/crimes against humanity, as well as war related famine and disease)

What is 50-55 million?


These are the animals who was part of a study. The researcher played a recording of a dead animal from a speaker hidden in a thicket. The dead animal's daughter called back for days afterwards, hoping to find her father.

What are elephants?


This is the name of the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the proposed likelihood of its existence.

What is the Fermi Paradox? (Are we truly alone in the universe. If we are, why? Does there exist some great filter? A point in the evolution of an intelligent civilization where, once we get there, our society will be wiped out. Or perhaps we're too stupid, too pathetic to be acknowledged. Like ants. Or perhaps, we truly are alone, and the universe is just a beautiful desolate expanse).

This is the number of US states that have criminalized abortion, regardless of the age of the fetus.

What is 14? (Penalties range from fines of tens of thousands of dollars, to life imprisonment, thank you Alabama)


You waste 10% of your day doing this.

What is blinking?


This is the number of children on Gallifrey the day the moment was activated?

What is 2.47 billion?


This is the number of animal species human action has forced into extinction.

What is 869? (This includes the Southern Black Rhinoceros, Dodo, Caribbean Monk Seal, Laughing Owl, and so many more)

This was the cause of death of Laika the space dog.

What is overheating? (What ended up being Laika's demise was the heatshield coming loose and the cabin heating up to 90 degrees Celsius and therefore, causing her to die of overheating and stress )


This is the number of countries in which gay marriage is legal.

What is 36? (The 36 countries account for a population of 1.5 billion. According to the UN there are 195 recognized countries, so there are still 159 countries where gay marriage is illegal).


This is the chance of the average citizen in the UK developing some form of cancer.

What is 50%? (According to the NHS)


As of 08/09/2024, this is the ratio of Israelis to Palestinians killed in the Israel-Hamas war (to the nearest 0.01)?

What is 0.04? (1,478 Israelis versus 40,972 Palestinians. A further 116 journalists have been killed)


This was the species of 'Murderous Mary', an animal killed in a public execution after killing its captor and abuser in self-defense.

What is elephant?


This is the name of the centre of the Laniakea Supercluster, with a mass quadrillion times greater than the Sun.

What is the Great Attractor? (We don't know where all this mass originates from, but at our current rate, it would take the Milky Way 100 million years to get there)


There are an estimated 49.6 million of these people worldwide.

What are slaves?


This is the cause of 1,200 child deaths every day.

