What is Depression?
Getting Help
Fun Facts
Is depression a type of mental illness?
Yes, depression is one of many different types of mental illnesses.

Anyone can become depressed. True or False?

True. Although certain people are more prone to becoming depressed, it can happen to anyone.

Is anxiety a symptom of depression?
Yes, anxiety is one of many symptoms of depression.
Who can you talk to to get help if you are feeling depressed?
You can talk to a teacher/counselor, a family member, a friend, or a worker at a community agency such as CAMH.

Are teen males or females more likely to develop depression?

Teen females develop depression twice as often as males.

Name one physical effect depression can have on your body.
Depression can take a toll on your body and cause symptoms such as body aches, weight gain, fatigue, and susceptibility to other illness/disease.
Is there more or less brain activity in the brain of a depressed person compared to a non-depressed brain?
There is less activity in the brain of a depressed person.

What are 2 signs that a person is suffering from depression?

Acceptable answers: The person seems to be sad, hopeless, easily irritated, angry, hostile, tearful, withdrawn, careless, anxious, stressed, self-loathing, reckless, fatigued, violent, helpless, self-mutilating, suicidal, or addicted to a new substance (mainly drugs or alcohol)


What is the first step to helping a friend who you think is depressed?

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Men are less diagnosed with depression so most males you know probably don't have it. True or False?

False. Men show their depression differently.

Mood disorders, including depression, are the third most diagnosed mental health illness in the world. True or False?
False. Mood disorders are the number one most diagnosed mental health illness in the world.

How does your chance of becoming depressed change if a family member has suffered from depression?

More likely.  These types of biological factors are passed down from generation to generation. That means that if a family member has had a mental health illness in the past, you are more likely to have a mental health illness as well.


What are three things you can do to help a friend that's depressed?

hangout, talk, support, motivate, call a parent, check on them, speak positively

What are three things you can do to help yourself if you are feeling depressed?

Acceptable answers: - Do not isolate yourself. Stay around family and friends who have the ability to cheer you up. - Keep your body healthy. Eat a regular healthy diet and participate in lots of exercise. - Avoid alcohol and drugs. Using them may give you a temporary mood boost, but will eventually make your depression worse. - Ask for help if you are stressed. Talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent if you are feeling overwhelmed.


What is the easiest and least expensive and most accessible coping strategy for depression?



Depression can look differently for teen males compared to female males True or False?

True. People of color may express anger or irritability when in a depressed mood

Name three causes of depression.
Acceptable answers: If a person is stressed, has a family history in mental health illnesses, has imbalance in brain chemistry, or is suffering from another illness. Depression could also be brought on by low self-esteem, insecurity, bullying, or death of a close family member or friend.

Give an example of how depression can impact school for a teen? Why?

Students may become reckless and careless with their work and may find it hard to concentrate for a full day of school. Depressed teens often skip school or do not try hard enough and see a decrease in their marks.


What is the most important feeling you should have for your therapist for the therapeutic relationship to work?

Research shows that depression among teens is increased by___ in 2020. A) 9.7% B) 11.2% C) 12.1% D)12.8%



There is a relationship between substance abuse and depression. What is the relationship? A) 75% B) 55% C)15% or D)30%

D) 30%


Out of 1,550 Juvenile offenders, how many percent were found to have depression? A)24% B)38% C)46%, or C) 61%?



Why do depressed individuals often turn to drugs or alcohol? What is the short term effect? What is the long term effect?

When a person is depressed they are extremely unhappy and constantly in a low mood. Drugs and alcohol will give them a short term feeling of happiness, but after the effect has worn off, and in the long term, they will most likely become more depressed.


In 2021, ___ of children aged 5–17 years had received any mental health treatment in the past 12 months. A) 14.9% B) 21% C) 40% D) 53%

A) 14.9%

What can teen depression lead to?
Teen depression can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, self–loathing and self–mutilation, pregnancy, violence, and even suicide.