Depression is feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally
is a counselor and an educator who works in primary (elementary and middle) schools and/or secondary schools to provide academic, career, college access/affordability/admission, and social-emotional competencies to all students through a school counseling program.
a person skilled in a particular kind of therapy.
Negative feelings and mood, Low energy and motivation, Physical problems, Social withdrawing, Poor concentration, Negative thinking.
talking about suicide or death in general
talking about "going away"
talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
having no desire to take part in favorite activities
having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
engaging in self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or driving too fast, for example)
family trouble
school problems
health problems
talking about suicide or death in general
talking about "going away"
referring to things they "won't be needing," and giving away possessions
talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
engaging in self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example)
School counselors in most countries have at least a master's degree in school counseling and state and/or national certification.
Some teens say they feel guilty — especially if they felt they could have interpreted their friend's actions and words better. Others say they feel angry with the person for doing something so selfish. Still others say they feel nothing at all — they are too filled with grief to process their emotions
stress and worry
low self-esteem
eat healthy foods
get the right amount of sleep
walk, play, or do something else to get exercise every day
take time to relax
take time to notice the good things about life, no matter how small
Tell someone you trust what's going on with you.
Be around people who are caring and positive.
Ask someone to help you figure out what to do about a problem you're facing.
Work with a therapist or counselor if problems are getting you down and depressed — or if you don't have a strong support network or feel you can't cope.
the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally
OCD and anxiety
eating disorders
oppositional behavio
School counselors know how to listen and help. They'll take your problem seriously and work with you to find a good solution. School counselors are trained to help with everything.
Therapy builds helpful thoughts and encourages healthy behaviors. Therapists help people feel encouraged as they learn. They help people see the good in themselves and find their strengths.