What is Tyler's middle name?
Name a Tally Hall member outside of the base 5 and tell me what their tie color is!
Where was I before I moved to NY?
(Specifically Fort Wainwright!)
How do you spell the name of the Gamblecore guy?
Where was Tyler born?
How many songs are on Good And Evil?
What are the names of my brother and sister?
Royal/Bubba and Hailey!
Finish the quote:
"My name is ___ Brown, and I am ___ to be right back in my ___ town, with my new ___!"
"My name is Cleveland Brown, and I am proud to be right back in my hometown with my new family!"
When was Tyler born?
March 6th!
What is Tally Hall's longest officially released song?
Fate Of The Stars!
Finish the scene!
"I love you"
"I'm ___"
"I love you"
"I'm cis"
How many asdfmovie videos are there? (Including deleted scenes!)
What's Tyler's favorite artist?
December 7th, 2002!
What is my current favorite (PURELY HYPOTHETICAL!!!) trans name?
What two polar opposite characters had a nearly identical final fight in their respective shows?
Word Girl and Omni-Man/Invincible!
What is one of Tyler's favorite movies?
Either Napoleon Dynamite or Scary Movie 2!
Name 1 song from every Tally Hall album (Official, unreleased, and side projects.)
Am I still cis?
Most likely not, but I don't know!
Name a song from a game with ZERO Mario Paint remixes on Youtube!
Yeah >:3