This thing has windows and is sometimes tall.
A building
This is something you can write with but has no eraser (usually)
A pen
Leaves grow in this but depending on the time of year, you see it's skeleton.
A tree
You can open and close this thing. In fact, everyone does! It's how you got into the building.
A door.
Also has windows but can move fast or slow. Depeneding on the operator.
A car or truck
This thing has a lot of words and is often thought of as the symbol of most schools. Most people can learn many things if they READ from it.
A book
This is a very hard object. You can see them all everywhere on the ground and without them we would be floating in space. (The world is made from this)
A rock
It makes the room cool, actually you can hear it right now maybe. But it never touches the floor.
Air Conditioner/AC
This can be found at parks, on sidewalks, at bus stops or in malls. It's something everyone can sit on.
A bench
This thing has a face and two hands. Its face changes every second but it will look the same two times a day.
A clock
This thing has eight legs and sometimes even more eyes. If you see it on your arm you might be surprised or scared.
A spider
Sometimes this is thought of as a little old fashion because you can play music from other places. But it's main function is to play music.
A radio
Kids play here sometimes. If it's big enough many adults like to take walks here.
A park
If you write on this it needs to be cleaned. But if you don't write on it then the students have nothing to look at.
A whiteboard/chalkboard
This thing can be seen by eveyone no matter where they are in the world. Many things go there but nothing can stay there. All you have to do is look up.
The Sky
Bird coffee and doughnut!!!!!!!!
The brown bag on the white bookshelf.
If you are injured and need medical assistance this is a place that is often visited.
A hospital or a clinic.
Used in the classroom or at home. You can WATCH a lot with this or you can learn a lot with it. But the choice is alway yours.
Everyone is made with this stuff. If you look on a globe you will see the world is also coverd with it.
The white bag on the bookshelf