¿Cómo se dice "to dance and to sing" en español? (say the infinitives)
"bailar" and "cantar"
Translate: "The students take three classes.": "Los estudiantes __________ tres classes."
Translate: I like (it).
"Me gusta"
Translate these words to English: "encima de" and "sobre"
"on top of" and "above" or "over"
Translate to English: ¿Qué?
¿Cómo se dice "to listen" and "to study" en español? (say the infinitives)
"escuchar" and "estudiar"
Translate: "You (formal, singular) look"
Usted mira
Translate: "Do you (tú) like the books?
"¿Te gustan los libros?"
Translate to English: "al lado de" and "debajo de"
"on the side of" or "next to" and "under"
Translate to English: ¿Cuáles?
"Which" or "Which (ones)"
¿Cómo se dice "to teach" and "to ask a question" en español? (say the infinitives)
"ensenar" and "preguntar"
Translate: you prepare
tú ______________
Translate: Ashley likes cats. "A Bob _____ _____________ los gatos." (Fill in the 2 blanks)
le gustan
The word that completes this sentence meaning "are ": "Ustedes _____ en la clase de español, ¿no?
¿Dónde? and ¿Adónde?: which one means "Where?"
¿Cómo se dice "to draw" and "to listen" en español? (say the infinitives)
"dibujar" and "hablar"
Translate: I buy
(yo) compro
Which is the correct way to say "We like them.": "Nosotros gustamos ellos" or "Nos gustan ellos" ?
"nos gustan"
Translate: "he is" (in a location)
"(él) está"
Translate "¿verdad? " or "¿no?" at the end of a question
"right?" or "isn't it?" or "Isn't that true?"
¿Cómo se dice "to walk," "to work," and "to travel" en español? (say the infinitives)
"caminar," "trabajar" and "viajar"
Translate: "we travel" and "we look for"
(nosotros) "viajamos" and "buscamos"
What is the correct form of "gustar" in this sentence: "Me _____________ los libros de Alain de Botton"
Translate: "the students are" (in a location)
los estudiantes están
what is the plural form of "Who?"