Where was Chester Cole born.
Oxford New York
What text Feature is under a photo.
What got thrown at Little Rock Nine's house.
A rock.
Is close up a text feature?
What did Plessy go on to go to jail
A train
What was Chester's Coles job?
a judge
What is another name for a picture in a book?
A photograph
What happend to Little Rock Nine when they got to the school.
They got sent home.
What is Alexander Clark's sons name?
Alexander Jr.
What is Plessy's first name?
What was Alexander Clark's job?
A barber
What is the title of a page?
What is Little Rock NIne's school called.
Central High school.
Who was the first little Rock Nine to graduate.
Ernest Green
What is Ferguson's job.
A judge
What two Colleges did Chester Cole teach at.
Iowa University and Drake University.
What is before a index or glossary.
What is Ruby Bridges school called.
William Frantz Elementary School
Name 3 text features.
Table of contents, index, glossary, headings, bold words, sidebars, pictures and captions, and labeled diagrams.
What is Ferguson's first name?
Where is Alexander Clark born.
Washington Pennsylvania
What is after a title page?
A table of contents
Why did the people throw something at Little Rock Nine's House?
They did not want them to go to school.
Do you capitalize articles?
What is Ferguson's middle name?