Professor at UC Davis
Who is Ga Young Chung
Refers to serving time in jail and then still facing the possibility of deportation despite already paying your debt to society.
What is“Double Jeopardy of Deportation”?
A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
What is Immigrant
A stereotype that portrays Asian Americans as successful, hardworking, and compliant, which is often used to devalue other racial groups
What is model minority myth?
Research interests: activism, social movements, citizenship, critical youth and ethnic studies
What is Soo Ah Kwon?
Government runs like a business. Instead of directly helping people through public services and other aid, it’s essentially your responsibility to “figure it out” in capitalist America.
What is "Neoliberalism"?
The act of sending non citizens to other places
What is Deportation
Korean American Students in Solidarity
What is KASS
Research interests: undocumented immigration, racialization, education and activism, critical race theory, and transnational Korean ideologies.
Who is Ga Young Chung
Ways in which a powerful country can control nations other rather than direct military conquest.
What is "Imperial Statecraft"?
Someone who has fled their country due to persecution or a threat of human rights violations
temporarily delays the deportation of people without documentation who came to the U.S. as children
What is DADC
Associate Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of Illinois with a PhD from UC. Berkeley.
What is Soo Ah Kwon?
Law in place that makes it easier to deport legal residents/refugees for minor crimes. Particularly, Cambodian refugees.
What is "Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996"?
The United states is a representative of Democracy and the citizens vote for officials who represent them in times of need
What is American meritocracy
A metaphor describing the invisible hardship faced by undocumented Korean immigrants.
What is Undocumented Korean Box