What is a Singleton?
What is an Adapter Pattern
What is a Chain of Responsibility Pattern?
What are the pitfalls of the Memento Pattern?
class Singleton { private static instance: Singleton; private constructor() {} public static getInstance(): Singleton { if (!Singleton.instance) { Singleton.instance = new Singleton(); } return Singleton.instance; } } // Usage const s1 = Singleton.getInstance(); const s2 = Singleton.getInstance(); console.log(s1 === s2); // true
What is a Singleton Pattern?
What is a Factory Method?
What is a Bridge Pattern?
What is a Command Pattern?
What are the pitfalls of the Observer Pattern?
// Abstract Product interface Animal { speak(): string; } // Concrete Products class Dog implements Animal { speak(): string { return "Woof!"; } } class Cat implements Animal { speak(): string { return "Meow!"; } } class AnimalFactory { static getAnimal(type: string): Animal { if (type === "dog") { return new Dog(); } else if (type === "cat") { return new Cat(); } throw new Error("Animal type not supported."); } } // Usage const dog = AnimalFactory.getAnimal("dog"); console.log(dog.speak()); // "Woof!" const cat = AnimalFactory.getAnimal("cat"); console.log(cat.speak()); // "Meow!"
What is the Factory Method Pattern?
What is a Builder Pattern
What is a Composite Pattern?
What is an Interpreter?
What are the Pitfalls of the State Pattern
// Subject class Subject { private observers: Observer[] = []; addObserver(observer: Observer): void { this.observers.push(observer); } removeObserver(observer: Observer): void { this.observers = this.observers.filter(o => o !== observer); } notifyObservers(): void { this.observers.forEach(observer => observer.update()); } } interface Observer { update(): void; } class ConcreteObserver implements Observer { constructor(private name: string) {} update(): void { console.log(`${this.name} has been notified!`); } } // Usage const subject = new Subject(); const observer1 = new ConcreteObserver("Observer 1"); const observer2 = new ConcreteObserver("Observer 2"); subject.addObserver(observer1); subject.addObserver(observer2); subject.notifyObservers(); // Output: // Observer 1 has been notified! // Observer 2 has been notified!
What is the Observer Pattern?
What is a Prototype Pattern
What is a Decorator Pattern?
What is an Iterator Pattern?
What are the pitfalls of the Strategy Pattern?
interface PaymentStrategy { pay(amount: number): void; } class CreditCardPayment implements PaymentStrategy { pay(amount: number): void { console.log(`Paid $${amount} using Credit Card.`); } } class PayPalPayment implements PaymentStrategy { pay(amount: number): void { console.log(`Paid $${amount} using PayPal.`); } } // Context class PaymentContext { private strategy: PaymentStrategy; constructor(strategy: PaymentStrategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } setStrategy(strategy: PaymentStrategy): void { this.strategy = strategy; } executePayment(amount: number): void { this.strategy.pay(amount); } } // Usage const context = new PaymentContext(new CreditCardPayment()); context.executePayment(100); // "Paid $100 using Credit Card." context.setStrategy(new PayPalPayment()); context.executePayment(200); // "Paid $200 using PayPal."
What is the Strategy Pattern?
What is an Abstract Factory?
What is a Facade?
What is a Mediator Pattern?
What are the pitfalls of the Template Method Pattern?
// Abstract Class abstract class DataProcessor { process(): void { this.loadData(); this.processData(); this.saveData(); } protected abstract loadData(): void; protected abstract processData(): void; protected abstract saveData(): void; } // Concrete Class class CSVProcessor extends DataProcessor { protected loadData(): void { console.log("Loading CSV data..."); } protected processData(): void { console.log("Processing CSV data..."); } protected saveData(): void { console.log("Saving CSV data..."); } } // Usage const processor = new CSVProcessor(); processor.process(); // Output: // Loading CSV data... // Processing CSV data... // Saving CSV data...
What is the Template Method Pattern?