What is a croissant?
What is a French Pastry?
The 2 main ingredients of chocolate?
What is cocoa beans and sugar?
what do you do to check if a cake is baked?
Poke a stick inside and check the stick for batter
What type of cake is used at birthday parties?
What is birthday cake?
How did royal icing get it's name?
It was in honour Of Queen Victoria's marriage to Prince Albert in 1840.
What is a beignet?
What is a New Orleans pastry?
Was cocoa used as currency?
You boil sugar till its brown
What is inside a lava cake?
What is chocolate ganache?
The word "dessert" means
The word “dessert” actually originated from the French word desservir, meaning “to clear the table.”
What is a brioche?
What is a bread pastry?
True or False?
White chocolate is a chocolate
How do you know if a macaron is cooked?
It has a little ruffle called feet on the bottom of the shell
This tiny cake can be personalized for any occasion
What is a cupcake?
How many types of chocolate are there?
What is a shortcrust pastry?
What is a flaky and crumbly pastry?
(tart, pie, flan, etc)
Who created the first chocolate bar?
What are the Europeans?
You tap the tray to let out air bubbles
What is a mille cake?
Does a real chocolate river exist?
Yes, in Germany!!
What is a choux pastry?
What is a French dough that is light and airy?
(Eclairs, beignets, paris-brest, cream puffs, profiteroles, etc)
When did the concept of chocolate start?
What is Mesoamerica?
How do you know when meringue is ready?
What is when it has stiff peaks
The first birthday cake was given in?
Was chocolate chip cookies made on purpose?
No! The first chocolate chip cookies were made by mistake.