They get ____ rainfall.
What animal is red
The red fox
The main ecosystems are
the desserts
What do you need to drink most of on a daily bases?
what water way starts with an L and is two words
Lower Zab
Water is ____
This animal is a ___cat
what word starts with an s in the region
How do Rainshadows work?
Theres no rain
what water way starts with D
the water ways nutered one of the first _______
what animal starts with w
desserts are ___ ?
Whats the most rare thing that happens in the dessert?
rainfall or water or rivers
what's scare in the region ?
people cluster where ____
water is found
name any two
any two
what animal in the desert doesn't require much water
a camel
What do people ride
when did they nurture one of the first civilizations
1,000 years ago
The 2 most important water ways are _____ and _____
tigris and euphrates
name all six
fennec fox, arabian leopard,sand cat, wolf,wild pig, hyrax
they receive very little
rain and/or snowfall
where does moistness come from
medditrainian sea
what are the two most important water ways
tigris and eughrates