What is a small clue left behind?
What do detectives wear?
Who is the most famous British detective?
( Holmes)福爾摩斯
What do detectives use to write notes?
I have keys but open no doors. What am I?
(A piano)
What do detectives look for?
What tool finds fingerprints?
(Magnifying glass)
What is Sherlock’s friend’s name?
(Dr. Watson)華生
What do criminals leave behind?
The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
What do we call a suspect’s excuse?
What do we call a reason for a crime?
What is the detective’s name in "Detective Conan"?
(Conan Edogawa)江戶川柯南
What is a famous detective book?
(Sherlock Holmes stories)偵探福爾摩斯
What has a face but cannot see?
(A clock)
What is the place where a crime happens?
(Crime Scene)
What does a detective do to a suspect?
Who is the famous detective in "Nancy Drew"?
(Nancy Drew)
What is a detective’s most important skill?
What runs but never walks?
(A river)
What is a person who sees a crime?
What do you call a mystery that is solved?
(Case Closed!)
What is the name of the dog detective in cartoons?
Who wrote "Sherlock Holmes"? (Arthur Conan Doyle)
(Arthur Conan Doyle)亞瑟·柯南·道爾
I am always on your side but never in front of you. What am I?
( shadow)