Now get
In ability to keep secrets
big mouth
To accomplish something difficult or secretive
Pull off
I need to pay Carol a
Have the know-how
What’s it
to you/ya?
To make something seem nicer or better than it is
sugar coat
A good idea
Not a bad idea
You make a
good point
Here we go again
repeat/ repetition /repeated
Double or
How will this benefit me?
what’s in it for me
To be in trouble with someone
Be in one’s bad books
I don’t know the
the first things about … (cats or something)
Smart cookie
intelligent / clever
What’s in it
for me
To predict an outcome about someone or something
to have one’s bets on
Long ago
Back in the day
That is the last
thing she/he needs
Cut short
brief /end/terminate/halt
Bring to
the table
Insider information about someone or something, a clue
good lead
Something that makes a bad situation worse for someone
The last thing one needs
I am a bit lost and I the only one who didn’t get
the memo
Not say boo