Clues, Clues, Everywhere!
What's the Meaning?
Passages Galore!
Your Homophone's Ringing!
Just a Little Mix-up!

In the sentence below, this word is a clue that the meaning of the word 'witty' is funny:

The student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laughed.

What is 'laughed'?


In the sentence, "Fireworks on the 4th of July give off a beautiful glimmer in the sky," this is the meaning of the word 'glimmer':

a. glow

b. bright

c. look

What is 'glow'?


This is the meaning of the word 'rare' in the following passage:

My grandma and I went shopping to look for old clocks. She loves to decorate her house with rare items. My grandma will spend days finding things that no one else has. She tries to find items that not many people have seen before.

a. kind

b. usual

c. common

d. uncommon

What is 'uncommon'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

I waited an entire _____ to receive a grade for my book report.

a. weak

b. week

What is 'week'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

I ____ a birdfeeder to put in our backyard in the spring.

a. made

b. maid

What is 'made'?


In the sentence below, this phrase is a clue that the meaning of the word 'glare' is a dirty look:

I looked at my brother with a glare after he broke my toy.

What is 'broke my toy'?


In the sentence, "When we go camping, my father will ignite the fire so we can roast marshmallows," this is the meaning of the word 'ignite':

a. call

b. start

c. see

What is 'start'?


This is the meaning of the word 'elegant' in the following passage:

When we visited the palace in England, I saw all of the elegant details. There were beautiful paintings on the wall and detailed statues in the hallways. Some of the paintings showed the queen in an attractive dress and fancy crown.

a. expensive and hard to find

b. unique to the royal family

c. fancy and fashionable

d. old-fashioned 

What is 'fancy and fashionable'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

He got a ____ in his jeans when he tripped and fell on the sidewalk.

a. hole

b. whole

What is 'hole'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

I ____ lots of butterflies flying around the park on warm days.

a. see

b. sea

What is 'see'?


In the sentence below, this word is a clue that the meaning of the word 'doze' is nap:

My grandpa will doze during television shows he watches when he is tired.

What is 'tired'?


In the sentence, "He chose to delete the unhealthy foods from his meal and make better choices," this is the meaning of the word 'delete':

a. include

b. remove

c. make more

What is 'remove'?


This is the meaning of the word 'resident' in the following passage:

Each state in the country hosts elections in November. My uncle is running for office in Oklahoma, but my mom is not a resident there. Since we live in South Dakota, she is not able to vote for him in Oklahoma. She is only allowed to vote in the South Dakota elections.

a. someone who lives in a particular place

b. someone who takes interest in voting

c. a chance to vote in all elections

d. a voter

What is 'someone who lives in a particular place'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

After getting a shot at the doctor, I felt ____ and needed to go home.

a. weak

b. week 

What is 'weak'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

We saw crabs and other creatures crawling along the bottom of the ____.

a. sea

b. see

What is 'sea'?


In the sentence below, this phrase is a clue that the meaning of the word 'topple' is to fall over:

The tower will topple if it has too much weight at the top.

What is 'too much weight at the top'?


In the sentence, "The curious puppy emptied the bag while he searched for something to chew," this is the meaning of the word 'curious':

a. problem

b. happy

c. interested

What is 'interested'?


This is the meaning of the word 'method' in the following passage:

In order to do a science experiment correctly, there is a method to follow. When you follow the steps, it is clear how you should do the experiment. When you finish, you will have some answers. Then, you can analyze your results and write down what you learned from the experiment.

a. the scientific ideas of an experiment

b. a way of doing something

c. asking for help

d. completing

What is 'a way of doing something'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

The kids at the birthday party ate the ____ cake.

a. hole

b. whole

What is 'whole'?


In the sentence, "I was flabbergasted when I found out I won the art contest," this is the meaning of the word 'flabbergasted':

a. very angry

b. amazed

c. worried

What is 'amazed'?


In the sentence below, this phrase is a clue that the meaning of the word 'soggy' is completely wet:

The grass was soggy this morning after the rainstorm last night.

What is 'rainstorm'?


In the sentence, "Each day during spring there is a slight increase in temperature until summer arrives," this is the meaning of the word 'slight':

a. small

b. increase

c. bright

What is 'small'?


This is the meaning of the word 'gulp' in the following passage:

My sister and I participated in a 5K run at the local park. The run was really fun because a lot of our friends were there, but it was hot! I was so thirsty as we ran. When we reached the first water station, I took a big gulp from the cup. It cooled me off and gave me enough energy to keep running.

a. look

b. piece

c. big sip

d. question 

What is 'big sip'?


This is the correct word to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

The ____ cleaned the rooms at the hotel after the guests left.

a. made

b. maid

What is 'maid'?


In the sentence, "Ms. Chen admonished her students to complete their homework," this is the meaning of the word 'admonished':

a. warned

b. questioned

c. promised

What is 'warned'?
