Treasures from God's Word
Organizational Accomplishments
Congregation Bible Study

The section Humility Is Better Than Pride was about which 2 characters?

Gideon and Abimelech 


What was the title of the Organizational Accomplishments video for this month?

Preparing a Newsroom Report


How does Ezekiel’s prophecy describe “the land” that Gog will invade?

Ki jan pwofesi Ezekyèl la pale de “peyi” Gòg pral anvayi a?

the restored worshippers who reside in this land: They “dwell in security”; their settlements are “unprotected by walls, bars, or gates”; and they “are accumulating wealth.”

moun k ap soutni vrè adorasyon an ki abite nan peyi a: Y ap “viv an sekirite”, y ap viv nan ti bouk “ki pa gen ni miray, ni pòtay, ni travès pou pwoteje yo”, e y ap “anpile richès”.  


Which 4 trees mentioned in Jotham's illustration to the leaders of Sheʹchem?

The olive tree, the fig tree, and the vine and the bramble

pye oliv,  pye fig, pye rezen, pye pikan


Who prepares the articles for JW Newsroom? and who do they work closely with?

OPI - Office of Public Information

PID - Public Information Desks


What may we conclude about the identity of Gog of Magog?

Ki sa nou ka di konsènan kiyès Gòg ki soti nan peyi Magòg la ye?

First, Gog is not a spirit creature. Second, Gog refers to earthly nations that will attack God’s people in the near future.

Premyèman, nou konnen Gòg pa yon espri. Dezyèmman, Gòg fè referans ak nasyon ki sou tè a ki pral atake pèp Bondye a talè konsa.


Did Gideon worship the ephod that he made?

The Bible does not say that Gideon himself worshiped it; on the contrary, he is specifically named by the apostle Paul as one of the ‘great cloud’ of faithful pre-Christian witnesses of Jehovah.  (it-1 753 ¶1)


what did OPI hope for when they published the news regarding the challenges the brother in Italy faced between 1960s-1990s?

1. it would be encouraging to our brothers and sisters

2. have a positive impact on fair minded authorities where our brothers are dealing with the issue of neutrality.



Why is the spiritual land precious to Jehovah?
