This person speaks the words of the song in Deuteronomy 32.
Who is Moses? (Verse 1)
This chapter is primarily made up of Moses' song, which he calls a “song of what?”
What is "witness"? (Verse 1)
Moses describes God as this, meaning He is without fault or error.
What is "perfect"? (Verse 4)
Moses speaks to the Israelites and refers to the "great day" when they would be gathered in this place.
What is the "Land of Canaan" or the "Promised Land"? (Verse 48)
Moses calls Israel’s unfaithfulness “a perverse and crooked generation,” which warns Christians about this today.
What is staying faithful to God and avoiding idolatry? (Verse 5)
Moses speaks to the Israelites as they are about to enter this land.
What is the Promised Land? (Verse 48)
The song in Deuteronomy 32 is meant to do this for future generations of Israelites.
What is to teach them and be a reminder? (Verses 7-9)
Moses prophesies that God will hide His face because of Israel's unfaithfulness, but He will not do this forever. What will God remember?
What is "His covenant"? (Verse 20)
God gave Israel “the Land of Wheat, Barley, and Vines,” referring to their fertile land, which was one of these many.
What is "seven"? (The number of fruitful lands: wheat, barley, vines, etc.) (Verse 13)
The song serves as a reminder of God's enduring love and warning to the faithful to do this.
What is “not forget God” and “remember His commands”? (Verses 18-20)
This group is referred to as God's "children" and "sons," who are the recipients of Moses' song.
Who are the Israelites? (Verse 5)
In his song, Moses refers to God's people being like this kind of animal because they have been unfaithful.
What is a "foolish" or "unwise" people, like a “deaf adder” or “crooked generation”? (Verses 5 and 20)
God is described as giving Israel “the Land of Wheat, Barley, and Vines,” referring to their fertile land, which was one of this many.
What is "seven"? (Verse 13)
Moses foretells Israel’s apostasy after his death, which would lead to Israel’s scattering among this many nations.
What is "many" or "multiple"? (Verse 26-27)
The metaphor of God as "The Rock" reminds us that we should build our lives on this firm foundation.
What is faith in God’s word? (Verse 4)
Moses tells the people that they will face consequences for abandoning God, and He will do this to them.
What is "hide His face" or "withdraw His protection"? (Verse 20)
Moses begins the song by calling on this element to listen to him, as it’s symbolic of wisdom and truth.
What is the heavens? (Verse 1)
Moses tells the Israelites that God is their "Rock" and that they should not forget Him because He is the one who has done this.
What is "begot them" or "created them"? (Verse 18)
Moses' song recounts God's greatness and faithfulness for this many generations.
What is "a thousand generations"? (Verse 7)
Moses’ song illustrates the danger of forgetting God’s faithfulness and how that leads to this.
What is spiritual downfall and idolatry? (Verses 15-18)
In Deuteronomy 32, Moses refers to this person, who is described as "The Rock" because of His faithfulness.
Who is God? (Verse 4)
In Moses’ song, this metaphor is used to describe God’s enduring faithfulness and His relationship with Israel.
What is "The Rock"? (Verse 4)
Moses foretells Israel’s apostasy after his death, which would lead to Israel’s scattering among these many nations.
What is "many" or "multiple"? (Verse 26-27)
Moses sings about God's deliverance from Egypt, specifically mentioning the number of plagues and disasters He performed to free His people.
What is "ten"? (The number of plagues in Egypt) (Exodus 7-12)
Moses' final song highlights God’s desire for His people to do this in their relationship with Him, something that Christians should follow today.
What is “remain faithful” and “choose life”? (Verse 47)