Was bedeutet...
Guten Tag! Ich heiße Lukas.
Hello! My name is Lukas.
Was bedeutet...
Fußball spielen
to play soccer
Was bedeutet...
Das Bett ist neu.
The bed is new.
Was bedeutet...
Was bedeutet...
der Rock
Wie sagt man...
I live in Bethlehem.
Ich wohne in Bethlehem.
Wie sagt man...
I visit friends.
Ich besuche Freunde.
Was bedeutet...
Meine Mutter hat eine Brille.
My mother has glasses.
Richtig (true) oder Falsch (false)?
German students are only allowed to go to their lockers once a day, because they don't often leave their classrooms.
Falsch - they don´t have lockers!
Was bedeutet...
Das Hemd ist eng.
The shirt is tight.
Answer the question in a full sentence in German.
Wie alt bist du?
Ich bin __ Jahre alt.
Wie sagt man...
To collect stamps
Briefmarken sammeln
Wie sagt man...
My sister has long hair.
Meine Schwester hat lange Haare.
The German high school called Gymnasium is...
a) a school for vocational training
b) the university track school
List all 6 colors of the rainbow in order in German!
rot, orange, gelb, grün, blau, lila
Write the number in German.
Answer the question in a full sentence in German.
Was machst du am Wochenende?
Answers will vary.
In English, name 4 of the 9 countries that border Germany.
Possible answers: Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands
Wie sagt man...
On Tuesday I have German.
Am Dienstag habe ich Deutsch.
Write in German:
I am wearing a jacket.
Ich trage eine Jacke.
Write the number in numeral form.
Wie sagt man...
After school I do my homework.
Nach der Schule mache ich Hausaufgaben.
Answer the riddle with a German family word.
Wer ist (who is) die Tochter von dem Bruder von deiner Mutter?
die Kusine
Write the time in German WORDS, using 24 hour time.
9:15 pm
einundzwanzig Uhr fünfzehn
Viertel nach einundzwanzig
Was bedeutet...
Mein Freund zieht den Pulli an.
My friend puts the sweatshirt on.