Write the number in German: 17
Name one thing you can write with in German.
der Bleistift, der Kuli, der Stift
Answer in German:
Wie heißt du?
Ich heiße...
The person/thing doing the action is called the...
Which school term have Americans adopted from the German language? Hint: Many start their school career here.
Write the number in German: 94
Name two classroom objects in German that begin with the letter S.
Schreibtisch, Stift, Schüler
Wer bist du?
Who are you?
Er ______ einen Bleistift.
Which type of German high school is the most academically challenging and typically leads to college?
Complete the math problem and answer in German:
fünfzehn plus zwölf
What is "folder/binder" in German?
What gender is the word?
der Ordner, masculine
Answer in German:
Woher kommst du?
Ich komme aus...
What are the three ways to say "you" in German? Which is which?
du - informal, singular
ihr - informal, plural (y'all)
Sie - formal (sing. and pl.)
What is the lowest PASSING grade you can receive in Germany?
Complete the math problem and answer in German:
einhundertzwanzig minus sechsunddreißig
What 6 colors are in the rainbow? List them in German!
rot, orange, gelb, grün, blau, lila
Answer in German:
Welches Wort (word) ist feminin? calculator, clock, paper
die Uhr - clock
Translate. Be specific.
Haben Sie einen Bleistift?
Do you (formal) have a pencil?
Describe a German student's school day. Consider:
-when do they arrive and leave
-what is different about their classrooms when compared to US schools
-what kind of classes do they have
-8:00 to between 12:30 and 2:00pm
-teachers move rooms and students stay
-no lockers, belongings are kept in the classroom
-class schedules are different depending on the day
-may have a religion class, in addition to math, science, languages, history, etc.
Complete the math problem and answer in German:
50 x 86
thousand = tausend
hundred = hundert
Martina has an eraser, a book, and a flag in her backpack.
(in her = in ihrem)
Martina hat einen Radiergummi, ein Buch, und eine Fahne in ihrem Rucksack.
Answer in German: Wie viele Schüler gibt es in dem Klassenzimmer?
Fill in the conjugation chart with the correct forms of the verb haben.
ich habe wir haben
du hast ihr habt
er, sie, es hat sie, Sie haben
Describe the three most common types of German high schools. Include their name, how long they last (how many grades), and what students can expect to do after they graduate from each.
Hauptschule - ends in 9th grade - job training (mechanic, etc.)
Realschule - ends in 10th grade - job training (IT, banking, etc.) OR transfer to a higher school before going to university
Gymnasium - ends in 12th or 13th grade - university