Hobbys und Freizeit
das Klassenzimmer
There are three different types of these in Germany.
What are high schools/secondary schools?
The subjects - Spanisch, Englisch, Französisch, Latein, Italienisch and Russisch - are all types of these that may be offered to students in German schools.
What are world/foreign languages?
This is how you say "grade" (as value put on student's achievement in each class) in German.
What is "die Note"?
This is the adverb you use when you're describing activities you 'LIKE' to do in German.
What is "gern"? (Ich spiele GERN Basketball. / Ich schwimme GERN. / Ich tanze GERN.)
True or False: German schools are very similar to American schools in that world/foreign languages are elective courses and students don't need them to graduate.
What is FALSE. German students are REQUIRED to pass English classes and it is the norm for students to take 2 or even 3 or 4 world/foreign languages while they're in high school!
This is the school from which you get an "Abitur" upon graduation.
What is a "Gymnasium"?
This is what students look at to see which classes they have each hour and each day. (Say the German word!)
What is der Stundenplan?
The grading scale in the US uses letter grades A, B, C, D, and F. These are the values that the German grading scale uses.
What are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6?
Before Redbox, Netflix, iTunes, Amazon Instant Videos, etc. existed, this is where you had to go to get a video. (ein Video holen)
What is "die Videothek"?
True or False: A Klassenausflug sponsored by a German school may involve travel to another city within Germany or even another country and it could include overnight stays.
What is TRUE. Klassenausflüge (field trips) are a different type of experience in German schools!
This is the last grade level a German student completes in "Grundschule".
What is 4th grade?
This subject is required in German schools, but it's not even offered in American high schools.
What is Religion?
This is the German verb you use to ask someone, "What grade are you GETting in ....class?" to get, to receive = ...
What is BEKOMMEN? "Was für eine Note BEKOMMST du in Deutsch?"
This is how you say "to watch TV/watching TV" in German.
What is "fernsehen"?
These are two ways that German students typically get to school in the morning.
What are city bus / walk / ride bike / public transportation ? NOT: parents drive students / students drive themselves / yellow school bus
An internship or some sort of on-the-job-training or a combination of those plus extra schooling is what students do after completing either of these types of high schools.
What is the Realschule or the Hauptschule?
If a student chooses not to take RELIGION (Catholic or Protestant), he/she is still required to take this course.
What is ethics?
These two grades indicate failure on a German report card.
What are "5" and "6"?
This is the English title for the famous book called "Die Blechtrommel" by Günter Grass that won a Nobel Prize in Literature?
What is "The Tin Drum"?
This happens mid-morning in a German school day and lasts about 15-20 minutes. Students don't have to check in for attendance during this time; they are allowed to meet with friends outside, eat a snack, take a short nap, etc. Give the German word.
What is "Große Pause"?
These are the final grade levels for each type of high school - Hauptschule, Realschule, and Gymnasium.
What are 9th, 10th, and 12th (formerly 13th) grades?
Students in Germany typically start learning this subject no later than 3rd grade.
What is Englisch?
This is how you say "report card" in German.
What is das Zeugnis?
This is how you ask "What do you (like to) do in your freetime?" in German.
What is "Was machst du (gern) in deiner Freizeit?"
A typical German school day ends around 12:30 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.; traditionally, school days were set up like this so that students could go home for this...give the German word.
What is "Mittagspause"?