Main tenets of the life span perspective
Major theories and theorists in human development
Multidisciplinary approaches to development
Research findings and prospective studies
Careers in the field of development
Views development as lifelong; multidimensional; mutlidirectional; plastic; mutildisciplinary; and contextual; and as a process that involves growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss.
What is life-span prospective (chapter 1 pg 8)
This theory describes development as primarily unconscious and heavily colored by emotions.
What is psychoanalytic thoeries (chapter 1 pg 20)
observing behavior in real-world setting
What is naturalistic observation (chapter 1 pg 32)
one study found that prenatal exposure to ___ ___ was linked to greater likelihood of having IQ scores in the mentally retared rande and a higher incidence of acting-out behavior at 7 years of age.
What is binge drinking (chapter 2 pg 77)
often teach in colleg or university and conduct research in such areas of educational and conduct research in such areas of educational psychology as learning motivation, class room management, and assesment
What is educational psycologist (chapter 1 pg 48)
In the life-long perspective, early adult is not the endpoint of development; rather, no age period dominates development.
What is Development is Lifelong (chapter 1 pg 8)
This thoery includes eight stages of human development. Each stage consist of a unique developmental task taht confrotns individuals with a crises that much be resolved.
What is Erikson's theory (chapter 1 pg 21)
an in-depth look at a single individual
What is case study (chapt 1 pg 23)
_____ _____ helped bring ethology to prominance and found argued that attachment to a caregiver over the first year of life has imporatnt consequences throughout the life span
What is John Bowlby (chapter 1 pg 27)
help individuals ot identify their best career option and guide them in applying for jobs.
What is Career Counselor (chapte 1 pg 49)
Whatever your age, your body, your mind, your emotions, and your relationships are changing and affecting each other. Development consist of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional dimensions.
What is Developmental is Multidimensional (chapter 1 pg 8)
This Theory states tha children actively construct their understanding of the world and go through four stages of cognitive development.
What is Piaget's thoery (chapter 1 pg 23)
a research strategy in which individuals of different ages are compared at one time
What is cross - sectional approach (chapter 1 pg 36)
Robert Fants was a pioneer in htis effor. fantz made a important discovery that advanced the ability of researchers to investigate infants' visual perception
What is visual prefference method (chapter 5 pg 189)
identify and counsel familes at risk for genetic disorders
What is Genetic counselor (chapter 1 pg 51)
Throughout life, some dimensions or components of dimension expand and others shrink.
What is Multidirectional (chapter 1 pg 8)
A sociocultural cognitive thoery that emphasizes how culture and social interaction guide cognitive developement.
What is Vygotsky's thoery (chapter 1 pg 24)
a research stragety in which the same individuals are studied over a period of time.
What is longitudinal approach (chapter 1 pg 36)
carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated while all other factors are held costant.
What is experimental research (chapter 1 pg 35)
asess and identify the presence adn severity of hearing loss, as well as problems in balance
What is Audiologist (chapter 1 pg 50)
the capacity for change in various dimensions at different points in development
What is plasticity (chapter 1 pg 8-9)
Emphasizes that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it.
What is Information-processing thoery (chapter 1 pg 24)
a combined cross sectional, longitudinal desing
What is sequential approach (chapter 1 pg 37)
a research which aims to observe and record behavior
What is descriptive research (chapter 1 pg 34)
helps people with psychological problems.
What is clinical psychologist (chapter 1 pg 48)