Is this an effective or ineffective stem?
The Anasazi had various tools used for daily life as well as for hunting. One of the tools they used for hunting was a type of dart or spear thrower. What is it called?
Are these effective or ineffective options?
A. Mississippi
B. Minnesota
C. California
D. Oregon
True or False? It is okay to base test items on trivial content.
Is this an effective or ineffective stem?
In linguistics, a participle is a nonfinite verb form that has some of the characteristics and functions of both verbs and adjectives. Which of these words is not a participle?
Are these effective or ineffective options?
A. Blue
B. Orange
C. Red
D. None of the above
True or False: When a developing test, it is acceptable to use opinion-based items.
Is this stem effective or ineffective?
The sky looks blue but really it is made up of all the colours of the rainbow. Each of these colours has a different wavelength. Some of these are smoother while others are choppy. Blue light waves travel in short, choppy waves. Like each of the other colours, blue light waves are scattered and reflected as they enter Earth's atmosphere and collide with gases and other particles. Because the colour blue has the shortest wavelength, it collides with nearly everything in its path and is scattered about the sky. This is why the sky appears _____.
Are these effective or ineffective options?
A. Mercury
B. Earth
C. Mars
D. Neptune
True or False: It is a good idea to avoid trick items when developing a test.