Oral Communication

By the end of grade 4, students will be able to...

-Purpose: identify purposes for listening in many situations; summarize theme for small group presentation

-Active listening: understanding appropriate listening behaviours; when to speak, when to listen 

-Comprehensive strategies: using them to understand oral communication; make notes-summarize 

-Oral presenting: clear and understandable, using visual aids

-Analyze texts: understand point of view and elements of the text; words that signal generalizations 

-Identify some non-verbal cues


By the end of grade 4, students will be able to... 

-Purpose/audience: identify topics, purpose, and audience for variety of writing forms 

-Developing ideas: generate ideas for a topic using tools; brainstorm, ask questions to call on past experiences and knowledge

-Research: gather information to support writing; key words to limit searches, planning

-Classifying/Organizing ideas: order main and supporting idea; Venn diagram, paragraph frame to organize the ideas 

-Establish a personal voice and point of view, and write in more complex forms while using sentences of different lengths and structures 

-spell familiar words properly, and spell unfamiliar words using given strategies 

-Revision: presenting work efficiently and improving written work; proofreading, reordering sentences 


By the end of grade 4, students will be able to... 

-Variety of texts/purpose: read a variety of texts, and identify variety of purposes for reading; letters, graphics, textbooks, online sources 

-Comprehensive strategies: identify and use strategies to understand texts; access prior knowledge and ask questions for clarification 

-Extending understanding: extend understanding of a text by connecting ideas to their knowledge/experience; expressing opinions 

-Analyzing texts: explain how elements contribute to overall meaning, identify point of view of the text, identify text features and patterns and how these help with understanding

-Automatically read and understand familiar words, predict meaning and quickly solve unfamiliar words 

-Read texts fluently and with expression and confidence  


By the end of grade 5, students will be able to...

-Purpose: understand the range of purposes for listening; use strategies modelled by teacher -  develop commentary 

-Active listening: show understanding of good listening behaviour; ask clarifying questions before responding

-Comprehensive strategies: use the strategies to clarify the meaning of oral text; ask about facts and value judgments

-Analyzing texts: understand and demonstrate how word choice and tone contribute to the meaning, and point of view, role play to understand 

-Oral communication: clear, understandable using non-discriminatory language 

-Identify a variety of non-verbal cues


By the end of grade 5, students will be able to... 

-Purpose/audience: identify purpose/topic/audience in writing pieces; poem/song on a social issue

-Developing ideas: create ideas about a topic appropriate for the purpose 

-Research: gather information to support ideas; interview people with knowledge of their topic, use multimedia sources

-Classifying/organizing ideas: ordering ideas appropriately; highlighting key words, making jot notes

-Write more complex and longer pieces, applying their voice by adjusting tone for different audiences 

-Vary sentences types and determine other points of view in their writing 

-Revision: improving content, producing revised drafts, proofreading 

-Presenting work effectively, using resources for proper spelling, using appropriate punctuation and grammar; using comas, nouns and adjectives 


By the end of grade 5, students will be able to... 

-Variety of texts/purpose: read and understand variety of texts, and choose appropriate texts based on given purpose; online source for background information 

-Comprehensive strategies: identify and use appropriate strategies; accessing prior knowledge and asking questions 

-Extending understanding: connecting text ideas with own knowledge and experience 

-Analyzing texts: explain how various elements contribute to meaning, identify point of view and possible alternative ones, identify and explain how a variety of text patterns and features help contribute to understanding of the text 

-Automatically read and understand common/familiar words, predict and quickly identify meaning of unfamiliar words using cues

-Read text with expression and confidence, and an appropriate reading rate 


By the end of grade 6, students will be able to...

-Purpose: identify purposes for listening and set goals; identify perspective in oral presentations 

-Active listening: applying strategies; ask questions to deeper understanding and to connect to the ideas of others 

-Comprehensive strategies: identifying and using a variety of strategies; self-questioning to monitor understanding, visualize oral text 

-Analyzing texts: analyzing oral text to evaluate how well they communicate ideas; comparing their responses to a peer's, and using text to support their views 

-Oral communication: communicate clearly and coherently by using a range of vocal effects and appropriate language to engage audience 

-Identify most non-verbal cues 


By the end of grade 6, students will be able to... 

-Purpose/audience: identify purpose/topic/audience; an original poem of personal interest 

-Developing ideas: creating more independent ideas

-Research: gather information to support ideas; identify steps to gather information, interview knowledgable people

-Classifying/organizing: using graphic organizers, making outlines and notes

-Review: review information critically, creating multiple drafts

-Creating more complex sentences, more vivid/figurative word choice, and understanding when their point of view is supported


By the end of grade 6, students will be able to...

-Variety of texts/purpose: read a wide variety of texts and choose texts appropriate for the purpose; online and print sources to compare alternatives of the same topic 

-Comprehensive strategies: use wide variety of comprehensive strategies; make predictions of current text based on previously read texts

-Understanding: demonstrate understanding of complex texts by summarizing and explaining meaning, while also extending this by comparing and contrasting to own personal experiences and world around them 

-Analyzing texts: analyze increasingly complex pieces and explain meaning using different elements of the text, identify point of view and determine to what level they agree, explain how readers can understand the text using features and patterns within the text 

-Automatically read and understand most words in a variety of reading contexts, use different cues to rapidly predict and understand unfamiliar words 

-Read texts with expression and confidence, while adjusting rate and tone to match the text 
