Classroom tools
Campus resources
Writing Lab 101
Panther Wildcards
Don't call Toni, call them instead.....

This template, available in a Lib Guide, will save your students time and the papers will be gorgeous. Encourage them to begin using it at the start of the semester and save it to their One Drive. 


This system provides emergency notifications, and the latest school closings for members of the college community. All community members are encouraged to sign up to receive them by  text or email.  

What is the Panther Alert system ?


This is the number of lab stamps a DE student needs receive a 100/ A grade in lab. 

What is 22?


Why go to the gym when 

Monday – Friday 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm 

you can enjoy this time reserved for faculty?

What is the PCCC Employee Fitness Lunch Hour?


This cheerful librarian, who also creates most of the PCCC Lib Guides, is happy to give your class a refresher course on MLA 8, research and how to use library online resources. 

Who is Elaine Goldman?


Introduction/ Conclusion, Idea Development, Organization, Grammar, Language, and  Citation are a few of the categories found in this classroom writing tool. 

What is the writing rubric?


Have concerns about a students attendance, behavior or safety ? This alert system will get a counselor involved who may be able to offer additional support and resources. 



Labs are worth X amount of the student's overall grade?

What is 10%?


This room is reserved for DE 20, 25 and 10 student work and printing only. 

All other students should go to the Library. 

What is room A 204 ?


Save their number in your cell phone. 

They are not ghost busters but if your classroom is locked and you need it opened, don't call Toni, call this department.

Who is PCCC Security/ Public Safety?


This is for you and your students ! 

Our Academic Site License allows PCCC users unlimited access to this American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership when you sign up with your pccc email. 

What is a subscription to the New York Times ?


$45,000 adjusted gross income, and taking at least 6 credits next Spring? These students will be eligible to have their tuition and fees paid next semester under this grant program. DREAMERS are welcome to apply too. 

What is the New Jersey Community College Opportunity Grant ?


DE students receive lab credit for scheduling these to meet with Yeol-Shim, Asiyah, or Liz to discuss a specific assignment. They get up to two stamps but there is no limit to how many of these can schedule.

What is a 1:1 tutoring session?


Your name will end up on the naughty list in December, if you failed to submit this "Never Attended" or "Attended" roster data . You submit it to Lorraine Hicks in the English Dept or Ruggiero Manente in the Adjunct Office.

What is the [10th day] attendance reporting ?


This Deputy Title IX Coordinator knows everything there is to know about campus safety, student confidentiality and 

(Don't forget her credentials)

Who is Dr. Sharon Goldstein?


One of the many resources to help students research debatable topics.  This premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana.

What is Opposing Viewpoints in Context ?


Faculty we love you but you are killing our writing lab paper supply.  

In what two locations should you be doing your heavy duty print jobs?

What is the Docu Center and the Adjunct Faculty Office ?


Students with continuous behavioral issues in the lab will be referred to this person on campus. 

Who is the Dean of Student Affairs ?


This robust course tool enables faculty to take attendance that is automatically graded in the Blackboard Grade Center. 

Students who never talked to you before will begin talking to you about being marked absence thanks to the financial aid office email they receive as result. 

What is Qwickly Attendance ?


This Guided Pathways Co-Leader also hosts a support group Educational Support Group for Formerly Incarcerated Students. Don't forget to put some respect on it and add her newest title. 

Who is Dr.Dawn Norman?


Off campus doing research? 

No problem. 

This password will give you access to all the web databases available on campus. 

What is pccc123 ?


This office can help you prepare for placement testing, schedule exams for online classes and College Writing Exams and assist faculty with departmental finals.

What is the testing center ?


$56 ? $57? 

Not sure how much the DE 10 & DE 20 lab workbook costs? 

Students can visit this website to confirm the price and availability.

What is the PCCC bookstore website?


This end of the semester scoring process that takes place in A 204, is being used to ensure students are exiting Developmental English having met the course outcomes for their respective levels.

What is Holistic Scoring?


Don't call Toni because this Instructional Designer whose office is located in the library, can help you video record your class with ECHO 365 and copy your Blackboard shell from last semester. 

Who is Elizabeth Pachella ?
