what to press to take a screenshot
what is the home button and off button?
What a windows computer has
The first iphone to come out
what is iphone 1?
Computer committee's goal
what is getting pita a new device?
the amount of devices that belong to Diya
what is 4?
fastest loading iPad that is faster than most PCs
iPad pro
Mummy wants a laptop
True or False
What is True?
2 apple devices that pita wants
what is iphone 11 and iPad?
Mummy's project
what is Create a model of 2 devices in the house, who uses them the most, their charger, and label their features?
why pita likes pro cameras
What is the portrait mode?
colors ipads come in
What is gold, rose gold, space gray, and silver?
the amount of computers in the house
What each pro camera on iphone 11 is
What is wide, Ultra-wide, and normal?
Diya's project
Create anything to try and teach Mummy something about devices that she doesn’t already know
on a website, they said they added more stuff but it is not showing up what do you do?
reload the page
the name of pita's mini
what is Miniliah?
How MacBook pro is different from MacBook air
What is a faster computer and touch bar?
Something the new Apple devices have
What is the Liquid retina display?
the day of the computer committee
what is Sunday?
A feature of a thinkpad
What is a red dot used for a mouse in the middle of the key board?
What is your face in an emoji that does what you do?
not an input device
what is speakers?
Apple device coming out in a few months
What is iphone 12?
Will we have slides almost every time
what is yes?
the number of devices in this house
what is 20?