I am tall (f)
Je suis grande.
I have to speak French.
Je dois parler francais.
Monique is going to the bank.
Monique va a la banque.
I am going to study.
Je vais etudier.
green apples
les pommes vertes
I am not short.(m)
She has to study a lot.
Elle doit etudier beaucoup.
We are going to the supermarket.
Nous allons au supermarche.
Tomorrow she is going to work.
Demain elle va travailler.
twelve onions
douze oignons
They are nice (f)
We have to eat fruit.
Nous devons manger des fruits.
You (formal) are going to the cheese store.
Vous allez a la fromagerie.
We are going to play tennis at three o'clock.
Nous allons jouer au tennis a trois heures.
fifty tomatoes
cinquante tomates
He is brown-haired and handsome
Il est brun et beau
You (informal) have to play basketball.
Tu dois jouer au basket.
I am not going to the post office.
Je ne vais pas a la poste.
They (f) are going to eat some chicken.
Elles vont manger du poulet.
three red baguettes
trois baguettes rouges
She is blond and pretty
Elle est blonde et jolie
They have to sleep.
Ils doivent dormir.
We are going to the fish store.
Nous allons a la poissonnerie.
I am not going to eat carrots!
Je ne vais pas manger de carottes!
forty two strawberries
quarante deux fraises.