what is 6 over 3 simplify to
how do you make water with elements
do you need the king to win chess
yes you can lose the queen
is asia the largest continent
what is yes
is it spelled computer
what is spelled computer
what does pemdas mean
is there a element that is a name of a planet
what is true or mercury
the QWERTY Keyboard or the basic keybordes we use now where made to slow down typing t or f
true (funny thing is that it made it faster)
whats the biggest country
what is russia
is that how you spell WIERD
what is WEIRD
what is 10
Which is the most abundant element in the universe
what is Hydrogen
how big were computers used to be
what is a whole room
what continent has the most countries
what is africa
is this how you spell daimond
what is diamond
what is the name for the answer of divide
what is quotient
Compared to their body weight, what animal is the strongest - Dung Beetle, Elephant, Ant, or Cow
what is a dung beetle
the goverment used to use ps3s t or f
true (its was the fastest computers back then and the air force used them)
What place is north america in size
(like 1st 2nd 3rd 4th so on)
What is 3rd
is it spelled COOLLY
what is COOLLY
what is 9
how many elements on the Periodic table
what is 118
what does www mean at the start of urls
what is world wide web
what the richest state in the U.S
what is New Jersey (that what came up dont yell at me and its shocking)
is it spelled UNNECESSARY