How many times was I cheated on?
who is my best friend?
Andrew Decker
what is my favorite food
What do i do at home
Play games
Quinn (doesn't really count though)
who is my female best friend
Heaven (or Loralie)
whats my favorite ice cream brand
ben and jerrys
what did i used to make in elementary school
Rubber band braclets
What did Melanie get me as a gift
(I just said it)
Nelo or Jesus
what are my favorite chips
BBQ lays
Who was my crush in 6th grade
What did I do for months
Memorized songs
When did Raelee break up with me?
Where did me and Andrew go to relax for a weekend
Black hawk
what did I get Melanie for valentines day
Chocolate covered strawberrys
Who did I like in elementary school
Penelope (i was a foolish boy)
What did I do everyday after school
Workout at the school gym
when did me and Melanie first start dating
August 22nd, 2019
when did i meet andrew
whats my favorite restaurant
Fogo de Chao
when did i first start liking Melanie
the Gym