Where was Cabino bought ?
Thomson Plaza / Green party
What is grumps favourite weather
What is the big foots favourite thing to eat
Ice or ice cream or anything cold
Name 1 thing we bought in KL
What colour hair does Ariel have in my little mermaid
What do the capybaras like to do during their free time
Swimming , napping etc
What is on Didi’s romper
A fox
Which toys’r us was Bren bought at
Great worled city
what was the problem with Zi Yao in uniquely yours
Coronary heart disease
What is Rapanzels pet Chemelion name in tangled
What extra classes does mei mei go for
Ballet , hip hop , caligraphy , drawing
When is grumps birthday
25 January
How many tooth/teeth do the big foots have in total
Who came first didi or cheer
In which Disney movie is the main character not a human
name 5 things precious to Ca Bi
1. Turtle shell bag
2. Sword
3. Pierre
4. yellow Bei Bei
5. Mei mei
Sing the song grumps sings when its raining
🎶 I’m a happy bear , I’m a happy bee-aear . Because its raining I’m so happy 🎶
What is woxie’s favourite ice cream flavour ?
Baskin Robbin’s cotton candy
How many characters does cluedo have
Who voiced Maui in Moana 1 and 2
The rock ( Dwayne )
Where do capybaras come from
South America
Where do grumpy bear live in the care bears cartoon
which series did ben come from ( squishmallows )
What is the brand of Mian
Mofmo friends
Name a character in beauty and the best that isn’t belle or the beast