This roommate spends the least amount of time at Unit 164
Olivia Rose Ngeti-Simmons
This athlete is participating in a fling with the Love Story Creater
Who is Travis Kelce?
What does Daisy Kent do for a living?
What is an Accountant Executive?
What is the official currency of the United Kingdom?
What is Pound Sterling?
Who is the Vice President of the Professional Golf Management Student Association?
Who is Joe Griffith?
Which roommate has the highest GPA in Unit 164?
Who is Madelyn Goad?
What do you call it when you bowl THREE strikes in a row?
What is a Turkey?
Which PLL Character said this quote? “How did I just go from wearing mom jeans, to being Samantha Ronson?”
Who is Aria?
How many times zones does Russia have?
What is 11?
What test must you pass in order to acquire your PGA Class-A Membership upon graduation from the Sam Houston State University School of Business
Playing Ability Test (PAT)
Which Roommate goes home the 2nd most?
Who is Cameron Cobb?
How many medals did China win at the Beijing Olympics?
What is 100?
How Many times does Ross get married in Friends?
What is 3?
What continent does Cambodia reside in?
What is Asia?
Who is a person who is most likely to break your phalanges whilst participating in the shaking of hands?
Who is Kaldon Roensch?
This roommate is most likely to text you “On my way” while laying in bed.
Who is Riya Anisha Prasad?
What is the name of the Head Coach for the Dallas Cowboys?
Who is Mike McCarthy?
How many minutes did Michael Scott work in Dundee Mifflin?
What is 9,986,000 minutes?
What country is known to have the best quality tap water?
What is Switzerland?
What is the SHSU PGA Golf Management’s Internship Coordinators Wife’s Name?
Who is Maddie Hanes?
If you say the same thing as me, -500 points, if you don’t, you get the 500 points.
Name a number 1-5
When is the last time the Dallas Cowboys won a Super Bowl?
Bonus Points: How many superbowls have they won?1996
When Kim Kardashian lost her earring in the ocean on Keeping up with the Kardashians, what did Kourtney say?
What is Kim there are people that are dying?
What city is known as the Glass capitol of the World?
Where is Toledo?
Who is someone that created the prestigious and outright historic Dialect of English, more popularly known as Da-La?
Who is Dayton Mahoney Hisel?