what is the formula for calculating this distance if you are given time and speed
Time Multiplied Speed = Distance
what is X if
Y = 2X
Y = 12
X = 6
In what galaxy is our solar system located?
Milky Way!
Which elements are in the OMg compound
Oxygen and magnesium
A2 + B2 = c2
What animal is known for its soft fur and good hygiene
Cats Meow
Albert Einstine is concidered the?
Farther of Physics
all the angles in a triangle add up to?
180 Degrees
Anti-clockwise moves in which direction?
What type of gas is absorbed by plants during photosynthesis? and which gas is produced?
Carbon Dioxide is absorbed and Oxygen is produced.
If a Triangle is a SAS triangle it has.
2 congruent sides and 1 angle
What animal did Australian soldiers have to fight back in 1932?
The Emus.
What is the power house of the cell
Who is praised for the creation of pythagorean theorem?
Who is most often credited with inventing electricity?
Benjamin franklin