An elusive biweekly event next held on 2/19
What is GBM?
PUGs for this game are hosted in the Drexel R6 server on Saturdays at 8pm
What is Rainbow Six Siege?
LAN is on this day of the week from noon to midnight
What is Saturday (also Lunar New Year)?
Sian's current E-board position (that will open very soon)
What is Event Coordinator?
Not going outside can put you at risk of deficiency for this vitamin
What is Vitamin D?
This game lead can answer any questions about the game played on Thursdays with CRTs
Who is Smash Melee's @phazil?
OW2 PUGs on Fridays (biweekly) and Valorant PUGs on Saturdays are hosted here
What is the DGA Discord?
Your most beloved event coordinator can be found at this location during most of LAN
What is the registration desk?
April is the month of this electoral event
Club elections
This once-in-a-lifetime event meets at the Rush Building on Friday, 2/16 at 5pm
What is the Pokemon Go Walk?
These brigs and beasts can be found in Curtis 344
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
Zie runs this game biweekly at 3pm in Creese C
What is Splatoon?
An event held at 4pm in PISB 120
What is the cosplay contest?
Lex and Nate's E-board positions (that will open very soon)
What are President and Vice President?
This facility is included in tuition and instantly increases rizz, clout, and SR
What is the gym?
Collecting sorcery is on Mondays at 6:30pm in this Main building classroom
What is Magic: The Gathering in Curtis 353?
A Drexel-friendly not-gambling event held at LAN hosted by the weekly Friday 108 crew
What is SaltyBets?
You can purchase one of these for $3, two for $5, or five for $10
What are raffle tickets?
People who want to become game lead should do this
Submit a support ticket in the DGA server (or just talk to anyone on Eboard tbh)
An elusive group of gamers who regularly go to the gym
What is DGA's Gym Bros?
The legal name of Smash Ultimate's weekly location
What is Greenawalt Conference Room C in the Creese Basement?
A pay-to-enter bracket held in PISB 108 on Saturday, Feb 24th
What is Dragon Install (Fighting Games)?
This item will be the main raffle prize of LAN
What is a Nintendo Switch?
The group that is always recruiting (and will soon need a new E-boarder to guide them)
What is the Marketing Team?
This clear drink can prevent headaches, dry skin, and muscle cramps
What is water?