Jackson County is named after this person.
Who is President Andrew Jackson
WREA determines eligibility for Jackson County residents applying for public assistance programs. WREA stands for:
What is Western Region for Economic Assistance?
This is the newest DHHS employee.
Who is Megan Kutyba?
DHHS stands for:
What is Department of Health and Human Services?
Seattle is one of two major U.S. cities located on an isthmus, a narrow piece of land between two bodies of water. What state capital, which boasts a free weekly newspaper called the Isthmus, is the other?
What is Madison, Wisconsin?
This city in Jackson County is the county seat.
What is Black River Falls?
WCA is an association assembled for the purpose of serving and representing counties. WCA stands for:
What is Wisconsin Counties Association?
These two employees have painted DHHS' murals throughout the building.
Who are Amelia Leis and Anna Swanson?
Name all of the Units/Teams within DHHS:
What are:
- Administrative Team, Aging and Disability Services, Behavioral Health, Business Services, Child Support, Children & Families, Economic Support, and Public Health.
The first cheesehead was not worn at a Green Bay Packers game but instead at a game for what team?
Who are the Milwaukee Brewers?
There are seven (7) adjacent counties to Jackson County. Name five (5).
What are:
TFJCK promotes healthy lifestyle choices for Jackson County youth through education, providing resources and coalition activities and programs. TFJCK stands for:
What is Together for Jackson County Kids?
This employee has worked for DHHS for 46 years.
Who is Julie Olson?
The DHHS Conference Room names all share this similarity.
They are named after bodies of water in Jackson County.
Delavan, Wisconsin—not South America—is the location of the factory that produces what brand of rectangular chocolate mint candies?
What is Andes?
This is Jackson County's largest employer.
What is HoChunk, with roughly 3100 people.
WHEAP provides assistance for heating costs, electric costs, and energy crisis situations.WHEAP stands for:
What is Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program?
DHHS currently employs this number of individuals.
What is 72 employees.
These two organizations support Jackson County and share our building.
Who are Family Promise and Family & Children's Center (FCC)?
Wisconsin was admitted to the Union as the 30th state in what year?
What is 1848?
Jackson County has this many districts (which equals the same number of County Supervisors representing those districts).
What is 19.
eWiSACWIS is a comprehensive, automated case management tool that supports child welfare practice. eWiSACWIS stands for:
What is Wisconsin Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System?
This employee has worked at DHHS three (3) separate times.
Who is Carly Keller.
The DHHS Board currently has eight (8) members. Name four:
Who are: Ron Carney (Chairman), Daryl Boe, Max Hart, Tom Cooper, Sarah Peloquin, Desiree Gearing-Lancaster, Ellen Moldenhauer, Dr. Michelle Forsting.
Thirty percent of the state’s population lives in the five-county metropolitan area around this Wisconsin city.
What is Milwaukee?