The normal range for body temperature.
What is 96.8-100.4 degrees Fahrenheit?
The pulse, felt at one of these two pulse points, helps assess cardiovascular health.
What is radial and carotid pulse points?
This measurement reflects the number of times a person inhales and exhales in one minute.
What is RPM- Respirations Per Minute?
The force exerted by the blood against the arterial walls when the heart contracts gives the clinician important information about this body system.
What is the cardiovascular system?
The second number recorded during blood pressure when the last sound is heard. It measures the minimum pressure occurring against the arterial walls as a result of cardiac ventricular relaxation.
What is diastolic blood pressure?
The five body sites used to measure body temperature.
What are oral, ear, rectal, axilla, and forehead?
The acceptable range of pulse rate for an adult.
What is 60-100 bpm?
What is the rise and fall of the patient's chest?
This chronic condition causes thickening and loss of elasticity in the arterial walls, which can lead to heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease.
What is chronic hypertension?
The optimal blood pressure measurements for adults 18 years and older.
What is less than 120/80 mm Hg?
This type of thermometer is most commonly used at home and in professional practice.
What is an electronic thermometer?
The term for an abnormally elevated heart rate above 100 bpm.
What is tachycardia?
The normal adult respiration range.
What is 12-20 RPM?
This term describes low blood pressure and is typically not dangerous unless that patient has noticeable chronic signs or symptoms or is in a state of shock.
What is hypotension?
Hypertension stage 1 is indicated if this blood pressure reading is measured.
What is a systolic BP of 130-139 mm Hg OR a diastolic BP is 80-89 mm Hg
These factors can affect electronic oral temperature readings.
What is hot or cold food and smoking?
The term for an abnormally slow heart rate below 60 bpm.
What is bradycardia?
The term to describe rapid breathing (greater than 20 RPM) that may indicate restrictive lung disease or inflammation of the lungs.
What is tachypnea?
This unit of measurement is used to record blood pressure readings.
What is mm Hg (millimeters of mercury)?
Hypertension Stage 2 is indicated if this blood pressure reading is measured.
What is a systolic BP pf 140 mm Hg or higher OR a diastolic BP is 90 mm HG or higher.
An elevated temperature, known as a fever, typically means the body is engaged in this type of battle.
What is fighting an infection?
These factors can influence pulse (heart) rate.
What is exercise, temperature, emotions/stress, medications, hemorrhage, postural changes, pulmonary conditions?
These factors may result in increased breathing rate and depth.
What is physical exercise, anxiety or metabolic acidosis?
The first number recorded when the first heart sound is heard during a blood pressure reading. It measures the maximum pressure occurring in the blood vessels during ventricular contraction.
What is systolic blood pressure?
This blood pressure reading is considered a hypertensive crisis and requires an immediate medical consult.
What is systolic greater than 180 mm Hg and/or a diastolic greater than 120 mm Hg?