what streamer is know for basicly playing fortnite?
Who is Ninja
Who is MRPIllow5?
who said ok
Who is Portuguese
What is 3rd place
What is the best subreddit of all time?
Who is r/copypasta
What streamer is know for having loss a chess game in 6 moves?
Who is XQC
what discord name did pillow had in February 2020?and during a lot of time
What is Herobrine?
who said: Im racist
Who is MrPillow 5?
What does ADR mean in Tourism/Hotels
Average Daily rate
What is the worst subreddit of all time?
Who is r/pcmr
what year and month did Pillow had his first Photoshop Competition?
Who is January 2020
What user called himself a OG, and got mocked by Portuguese for that?
Who is Lynda?
How many difrent users are there in the pined messages of general?
50 points for each user's name
4- PIllow Rock Swag Don Wasil
In what countries where the 2012 euros organized?
What is Poland and Hungary
Why is reddit funny
lmao reddit isn't funny
What game did Portuguese Minister of Tourism streamed on his only stream?
Who is KFC Dating Simulator
what is not so bot?
who singed the n word chinese song in the MOP server vc?
What is the main ingredient in mayonese
(other people probrably know this)
what company had the post with the most downvotes?
WHo is Eletronic arts?
What's the name to Pillow's most viewed clip
(extra 50 points if you know what game is he playing)
Who are the 5 discord users known for having played/bought at least 1 fifa game?
100 points for each one guessed.
Who are: Portuguese Minister of Tourism, Jelly, Energy, Daddy, Energy
How many users dm'd Portuguese Minister of Tourism their adresses (I did not asked for it btw)
50 points for guessing
1- Who is Seth
How processing cores and And threads does a ryzen 5 3600X has?
What is 6 cores and 12 threads
What is the name of the most upvoted post in r/mrPillow5?
Who is Me when mrpillow5 says he loves me