Mental Health
Social Determinants of Health
What is the difference between Type I and Type II Diabetes?
What is the production of insulin.
What mental illness coincides with low mood due to life changes lasts for a minimum of two weeks, up to a month or a year?
What is Depression
What are some non-pharmacological ways in treating depression?
Answers may vary What is electroconvulsive therapy, aromatherapy, music, art, balanced diet/sleep, counselling, psychological therapies, providing information, life style education, light/environment?
What ages are considered adolescent?
What is 12-18 years of age.
Primary factors that influence the personal health of individuals
What are the Social Determinants of Health
What are the 3 most common symptoms experienced by people living with diabetes?
What is polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia.
What are symptoms of depression?
What is SIGECAPS? S leep changes: increase during day or decreased sleep at night I nterest (loss): of interest in activities that used to interest them G uilt (worthless): depressed elderly tend to devalue themselves E nergy (lack): common presenting symptom (fatigue) C ognition/C oncentration: reduced cognition &/or difficulty concentrating A ppetite (wt. loss); usually declined, occasionally increased P sychomotor: agitation (anxiety) or retardations (lethargic) S uicide/death preocp.
Name the drug: Some of my functions include inhibiting glucose production in the liver, reducing glucose absorption in the intestines, and sensitizing insulin receptors at sites in fat and skeletal muscles allowing sugar to be used more efficiently.
What is metformin.
Who are the most influential specific to the adolescent population.
Who are adolescent peers
Where can Jasmine go to get support for her new diagnosis?
Answers may vary What is a diabetes management centre?
What are two methods of diagnosing diabetes?
What is an A1C or FPG (Fasting Plasma Glucose).
During the first few weeks when a person is on antidepressants they are at high risk for________ because even though the drug may elevate energy levels, the depressive symptoms are still present.
What is suicide?
Name the drug class: Responsible for decreasing the reuptake of serotonin at selected nerve terminals in the CNS and increasing serotonin activity at the nerve synapse. Resulting in increased mood elevation and reduced anxiety.
What is an SSRI?
Percentage of teens who are affected by depression
What is one in twenty teens struggle with depression (5%)
How could Jasmine's developmental stage affect her coping?
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What are the normal ranges for BG? What are the diabetic ranges for BG?
What is 4-6 (normal) What is 5-8 (diabetic)
Name the neurotransmitter: 1st Neurotransmitter: Responsible for motor control, motivation, arousal, cognition, and reward. 2nd Neurotransmitter: Responsible for sleep, appetite, mood, and memory 3rd neurotransmitter: Responsible for recognizing and responding to stressful situations
What is dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Know your insulins! Classify the following insulin: 1. I start rapidly, my onset is 15- 30 minutes and I peak in 0.5 to 2.5 hours 2. I start fairly fast and I peak between 1 and 5 hours 3. I start more slowly and peak in 6 to 14 hours 4. I am there for the long haul and have no peak effect,
What is Insulin lispro (Humalog) short duration:rapid acting, short duration : slow acting insulin regular (Humulin R), intermediate duration: insulin NPH (Humulin N or levimir), long duration:insulin glargine (Lantus)
List two of the misconceptions surrounding adolescents and mental health.
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How would depression impact Jasmine's success in school and management of her diabetes?
Answers may vary.
What is ketoacidosis? And how does it affect the body?
What is the breakdown of fat into ketones, due to the lack of carbohydrates (sugars) entering the cell
This mental illness is associated with depression, and responsible for causing high and low mood swings.
What is bi-polar disorder?
Anti-Depressant classification Drug 1: This antidepressant blocks monoamine oxidase in nerve terminals. This action increases the availability and concentration of norepinephrine and serotonin for neurotransmission. Side effects include increased BP, tremors, sweating and elevated temperature. People on this drug avoid eating tyramine rich foods that can lead to hypertensive crisis such as avocados, cheese, wine, aged meats and smoked fish. Drug 2: Blocks the reabsorption of norepinephrine and serotonin, which allows more of the neurotransmitters to be available at the postsynaptic receptors. When someone is prescribed these types of drugs watch for signs of sedation, urinary retention, orthostatic hypotension and dry mouth.
What is monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic anti-depressants
What impact does the media have on the adolescent population?
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Please list 5 of the social determinants of health impacting Jasmine and 3 possible nursing interventions.
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