Measurement concept
Assessment methods
Multicultural considerations
Assessment procedures

What are the different types of validity?

- face validity

- content validity

- construct validity

- criterion validity


Is it important to use the most recent edition of a published test? True or false



How to handle the CLD issue while assessing CLD clients:

1. ethnography

2. know the history of the client

3. know the normal communicative patterns of the clients dominate language.

4. know the normal patterns of second-language acquisitions

5.   CLD assessment


What is language loss?

- this is a decline in a speakers first language proficiency while a second language is being learned


What is the difference between basal and ceiling?

- Basal is the starting for test administration. Is 3 consecutively correct responses

- ceiling is the ending point. determined by a requisite number of consecutively incorrect answers (4 errors or 8+ errors depending on the test)


What are the two types of rater reliability 

- intra-rater reliability

- inter-rater reliability


What is the meaning of norm-referenced test?

-They allow a comparison of an individuals performance to the performance of a larger group called normative group.

- answers the question how does my client compare to the average?


What is interference or transfer?

- this occurs when communicative behaviors from the first language are transferred to the second language


What is Code-Switching?

- this occurs when a speaker alternates between two languages within the same utterances or discource.


What does it mean a score more than 2 Standard Deviations (SD) below the mean?

- would indicate that there may be a problem that is cause for concern = exceptional, outside of average range


What does HIPPA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


What information should a standardized test manual include? 

- the purpose of the test

- the age range

- test construction and development

- administration and scoring procedures

- normative sample group and statistical information

- test reliability

- test validity


What is fossilization?

- this occurs when specific second language errors become ingrained even after the speaker has achieved a high level of second language proficiency.


What should we pay attention to while collecting information from other professionals?

- it is important to maintain an objective position throughout the assessment, relying primarily on direct observation and evaluation results


How to plan for a diversity into an assessment?

- ensure adequate sample representing the phonetic and phonemic  skills

- include different situations:picture description, story telling, problem-solving, and conversations

- each sample 2-3 minutes


Name 2 things that HIPPA require

- Must obtain National provider identifier (NPI)number

- Give a copy of the clinician's privacy policies

- health information is confidentially

- standards for electronic health care transaction

- maintain an accounting of disclosures

- business associates comply with HIPPA regulations


What is criterion- referenced tests 

- identify what a client can and cannot do compared to a predefined criterion

- answers the question "how does my client's performance compare to an expected level of performance"


What is silent period?

- this is a 3-6 month period when a second language learner is actively listening and learning but speaking little


What steps are involved in Orofacial Examination?


- two-folded process (determine structural and functional integrity) 

- evaluation of both the structures and function of the speech mechanism

- examining the head and facial structures

- examining the oral cavity structures

- diadochokinetic syllable rate


What info can a clinician obtain while having a client read a passage?

- it allows the clinician to observe the client's articulation, voice, fluency, and reading abilities


Difference between sensitivity and specificity 

Sensitivity is a patient being tested and having the outcome be positive. (They are diagnosed with a disorder)

Specificity is a patient being tested and having the outcome be negative. (They are not diagnosed with the disorder)


What is authentic/ alternative/ non-traditional assessment?

- assessments identifies what a client can and cannot do, emphasize on contextualized test stimuli

- more realistic and natural


What is interlanguage?

- this occurs when a speaker develops a personal linguistic system while attempting to produce the targeted language. interlanguage is constantly changing as the speaker becomes more proficient in the second language.


What are different hearing pathologies?

- conductive hearing loss

- sensorineural hearing loss

- mixed hearing loss

- auditory processing disorders


What is stimulability testing?

- to test the client's ability to have improved performance on the targeted behavior when given a model or a quick cue
