What is the goal of mindfulness?
1. reduce suffering
2. increase happiness
3. experience reality as is
What does DEAR MAN stand for?
D- describe current interaction
E- express feelings about the interaction
A- assert wishes in the situation
R- reinforce
M- (stay) mindful
A- appear confident
N- negotiate
True or False: Emotions are neither good or bad
What is the purpose of distress tolerance skills?
Survive immediate crisis without making things worse for ourselves and accept reality as it is
What programs do RBH- Nashville offer?
Child/adolescent: OCD, ED, DR, MHAR
Adult: OCD, DR, MHAR
What is an example of a mindfulness skill?
meditation, mindful movement, grounding
What is relationship effectiveness?
improving or maintaining a good relationship with the other person in the interaction
How do emotions serve us?
Emotions motivate and organize us for action
When is it best appropriate to use a STOP skill?
when emotion mind takes over, you may find that you often act impulsively without thinking
What is the suite number of the clinic?
Suite 707!!
What are the 3 factors that are essential to be mindful?
1. Intentionally living in the present moment
2. Be without judgement
3. focusing on one thing at a time
What are some goals of interpersonal effectiveness?
- Getting what you want and need from others
- Build healthy relationships
-End destructive relationship
-Walk the middle path
What are the 3 methods to change emotional responses?
1. check the facts
2. opposite action
3. problem solving
Explain and display half smiling and willing hands
Reality acceptance skill to reduce suffering and increase sense of freedom
How many states have RBH locations?
Tennessee, Wisconsin, California, Washington, Illinois, Florida, Minnesota, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Colorado
True or false: All humans have a wise mind that can be accessed no matter the diagnosis
TRUE! Wise mind is the inner wisdom of each individual
When is it appropriate to use the GIVE FAST skill?
Always!! To maintain or improve relationships with others
What does coping ahead mean?
Coping ahead is figuring out which situations are likely to cause you trouble, and then not only planning how to cope with expected difficulties, but also imagining being in the situation and coping effectively.
What is the difference between acceptance and radical acceptance?
How many years has RBH been open?
115!! Opened in 1904
Name 3 benefits of engaging in regular mindfulness
increase emotional regulation, increase activity in the brain associated with positive emotions, decrease distractive/ruminative thoughts and behaviors, decrease dysphoric mood/anxiety/depression, increase sense of well being, decrease irritability and so much more
What kind of effectiveness does the FAST skills aim towards?
Self-respect effectiveness
be Fair
no Apologies
Stick to values
be Truthful
Which skill helps to take care of the mind by taking care of the body?
PLEASE skills
P- (treat) physical illness
E- (balanced) eating
A- avoid mood altering substances
S- (balanced) sleep
E- exercise
What is the reflex associated with the TIPP skill?
"Dive reflex"
Where was the first RBH located?
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin